
Jul 16, 2006 00:15

Darn you LJ, you ate my last entry! ::throws her shoe at it::

but summarizing my last entry, work has been going breezily. I've been working longer hours this week because the manager guy went on vacation. On Wednesday I was at work for seven some hours. The last hour or two were boring as heck, so I brought out my AP English homework and worked on it. This week I have to stay until 5 for several days, so I'll bring my AP homework. I'll get some work done. XD

Oh, I also got my first paycheck! ::feels special::
Work has been good. I haven't made any large mistakes (I am a bit slow on the to go orders but oh well...) the only 'mistake' I seem to make is overcharge people. I only did it once though. Today I overcharged a lady $10 but the boss didn't mind. He just told me to be more careful. It's only when I undercharge that I'll be affected. It comes out of my pay if I do undercharge. D:

Okaaaayy...I'll be going to sleep. I need more sleep.
::happily uses Anego icon::

day, work

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