My mother approves of Yamapi ^__^v

Apr 04, 2006 20:59

Ah...I got let out an hour early from Mandarin classes today...and I should be using that time to do my biology homework..but I need to fangirl. XD

In Japanese today, I had to work on my friendship speech. Sensei wanted me to add another paragraph to make it longer. Well, after she told me to lenghen it, she also gave me something that was utterly distracting...

She gave me the newest issue of Myojo (the KAT-TUN debute issue), something called Young Song (that's full of JPOP lyrics, how cool!), and a Idol Super Love Club book. Well, I'm borrowing the stuff right now, I don't think she gave gave it to me. But it still amuses me greatly to see Sensei with Myojo.

Well, after looking at Yamapi through the magazine for most of the period, I did get the essay written, but it was so darn distracting! Right now I'm tempted to scan the magazines, but they're not I might probably break out my dad's digital camera to just take the pictures. XD

My mom looked through the magazine earlier because she got attracted by the Renri no Eda ad at the back (she's a Choi Ji Woo fan). She seems to like Akanishi Jin. She says he's pretty XDD Oddly enough, when she flipped to the Nobuta ad she immediately recongnized the idiots. She even said "Hey, are these those two guys you're always watching dance? (does Seishun Amigo movements)"

Then when she flipped to Kurosagi interview thingy, she started talking about how pretty Horikita Maki is. Looking at the pic. of her now, Horikita-san is looking prettier then her Nobuta days. That was a really good picture they took of her.
LOL, then she looked over at Yamashita Tomohisa...this is what she said about Pi:
"You know, this guy is REALLY good looking. It's too bad his hair is so long...but I guess he's being stylish...and it does flatter him...yeah He's pretty darn good looking!"

LOL. Mommy you just made my day. I'm so utterly amused. She doesn't usually like Japanese guys (she says they are girly) but yay for Pi! XD You made good impression! XD

Gives extra hugs to sweethikari and suki_no_hikari_

je, yamapi, day, japanese

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