Apr 11, 2006 16:44
Woooo!! im actually updating. I've been meaning to, but now I finally am posting a little about my life.
Third quarter is over. Which is kinda scary/exhilirating. Definitely the hardest quarter ive had so far. French grade was horrible, but I got a B- on the huge exam! I beat Robert Harris by half a point. That's right.
English is slightly overwhelming right now. We're beginning the note process of our sophmore research paper. i originally had the topic: do bilogical factors affect the violence factor of children (rather than society's role). Later, I find out both are corelated, that there is a gene which causes behavior issues yet, it has to be initiated by environment. so today I met with Newton and I have to switch topics. Probably assissted suicide. I found a few books at the Amherst Library when I was browsing, so I'll have to go back again. Awesome.
The past weekend went by way too quickly. I mainly hung out with my boyfriend, went to AllState to see Kallie, and homework.
O and btw... if you don't get the subject quote, it was basically the greatest moment ever. Spoken by Rich Loomer at my spontaneous little rendez-vous Saturday night. Yes, it was hawt
Tomorrow I'm going prom shopping with Kals!! I'm wicked excited for that!! I have no idea what I'm gonna get, but I can hopefully use my dad's credit card. I'll take a pic of the dress and show y'all if u want to see it.
Not just my life, but I feel like as a person I'm doing quite well. I've been working out more, doing better in school, cleaning my room (gasp) and just having a lot of fun with friends. I'm very pleased, I'm making an effort to be better. There's still room to improve, but amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend is making it a lot easier. Thanks all!! :) O and I became a full vegetarian as of Sunday lol. Woot.
Mrs. Socci sucks. A lot. That needed to be said.
And y'all are looking at the President of Interact for next year! I had it by default kind of, but I officially have the title since I'm currently VP! I'm excited and nervous.
I'll do that random list thing that Lauren tagged me to do later. I promise. But for now, I haveto get my things together, pick Claire up at work, grab some Panera, and work on a french project.
Leave a sweet one if you'd like :)