quiz thing, i skipped around a little, but it was fun

Mar 26, 2006 22:13

1) The singular most boring question: what is your name? Nicole Leigh Seymour
(2) Are you happy with it? yeah it suits me i guess
(3) Are you named after anyone? my middle name is after my grandfather, but feminine
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? probably, i did the Gilmore Girls thing
(7) Then what would you name your children? I have a few diff ideas, I like Noah
(8)If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? Steven if it were up to my mom, but I would like to be named Charlie or something
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? Aloha
(10) Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? people mess up my nick name, nikki, a lot
(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? Probably not

DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it

(38) Do you live in the moment? I do my best. I did live in the moment with your mom last night.
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Most of the time.
(40) Do you have any secrets? I'd like to say that. But Kallie Phelps knows thats not true
(41) Do you hate yourself? nah
(42) Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes
(43) Do you have any bad habits? tons. Messiness, procrastination
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people? mostly like nice face or i have a hot mom
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? something wicked out there
(46) What's your biggest fear? not being good enough, failure, being alone.
(47) Can you sing? I sing, but not well
(50) What are your no. 1 priorities in life? Living it to the fullest, showing others how much I care, and doing my best
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably. im HaWt
(52) Are you a daredevil? ha, no
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Yeah
(54) Are you passive or aggressive? depends
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Yeah
(62) Do you think life has been good so far? Well somethings could have been better, but im pretty happy now
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? The trombonists bring the beer in quintets. JK...uh probably, listen to Kallie Phelps
(64) What do you like the most about your body? my feet
(65) And least? my legs
(66) Do you think you are good looking? Maybe if ur blind and drunk
(67) Are you confident? Usually


(82) Liked your voice? sure
(83) Hurt yourself? yeha, but just because im a clutz
(84) Been out of the country? yes
(88) Been in love? Yes
(89) Done drugs? No
(90) Gone skinny dipping? Yes
(91) Had a medical emergency? no
(92) Had a surgery? No
(93) Ran away from home? No
(94) Played strip poker? Yes
(95) Gotten beaten up? No
(96) Beaten someone up? My boyfriend, well i tried
(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? Hahaha, no
(100) Slept outdoors? Yeah,
(102) Pulled an all-nighter? Yes
(105) Talked on the phone all night? Yup
(109) Made out with a stranger? No
(110) Had sex with a stranger? No
(111) Thought you're going crazy? I am crazy what r u talking about
(112) Kissed the same sex? On the cheek yes
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? No
(114) Been used? Yeah
(115) Had a dream that came true? Yeah
(116) Broken the law? Yes

*more skipped numbers*


(166) Believe in life on other planets? Kind of
(167) Miracles? Yes
(168) Astrology? Yes
(169) Magic? No, but my step bro does
(170) God? Yes
(171) Satan? Yes
(172) Santa? No
(173) Ghosts? Yeah
(174) Luck? Yeah
(175) Love at first sight? totally
(176) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? Yeah
(177) Witches? Kinda
(178) Easter bunny? No
(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Yeah
(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No
(181) Do you wish on stars? Yes


(187) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yes
(188) Who is your best friend? many, but top is Kallie
(189) Who's the one person that knows most about you? Kalle
(190) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? Be myself
(191) The longest inside joke? haha probably like...for 3 years
(192) Thing you're picked on most about? hmm it varies
(193) Who's your longest known friend? Christie

*some skipped numbers*

LOVE, and all that

(225) Do you consider love a mistake? No
(226) What do you find romantic? A few things
(227) Turn-on? Nice, humor, eyes
(228) Turn-off? cocky, deceitful, mean
(229) First kiss? On Halloween
(231) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? I'd be honest with them, but feel bad at the same time
(232) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? I would want to kno them
(233) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? I dont think it matters
(236) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Not really
(264) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? i'd probably do something provacotive
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