turn up the radio . blast the stereo

Jan 28, 2006 17:34

Like everyone else, I don't really know what this means, but it sure does look cool:

Get your own spectral analysis from Area 23®

I didn't finish my fic for artword because I am a h0r. I have 2534 words of un-beta-ed-ness. Instead I wrote a (659 word) Veronica Mars Lamb fic, a young Jack on Lost (811 word) fic, which need beta-ed. Not to mention I started a Battlestar Galactica Gauis/Six/Lee fic, a Lost Sawyer/Jack fic, a Veronica Mars Dick and Beaver fic, a Lost Lock and Boone fic, and 6 other Stargate: Atlantis fics. What is wrong with me?

Battlestar Galactica 2x14 (Black Market) is at 48.9%... *stares*

The Office (US) - The Carpet was great. I had to laugh at the part where Dwight was calling the radio station because Lib does that.

bitchin, tee vee: stargate: atlantis, tee vee: scifi, tee vee: the office (us), random, tee vee, tee vee: battlestar galactica, real life, fandom: fanfic

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