that's... weird, they must shop at the same scifi gear store

Jan 13, 2006 18:49

In coup d'etat, Stargate: Atlantis' John and Rodney got their funny yellow glasses from Battlestar Galactica's Lee and Starbuck in Flight of the Phoenix and Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's John and Jane in Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Episode images from New Atlantis: The Evolution and Dark Thoughts: The Revolution.

Edited to Add:

Apparently all super cool hero couples must have funky yellow glasses, including Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's John and Jane in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

tee vee, random, tee vee: stargate: atlantis, tee vee: scifi, tee vee: battlestar galactica, fandom

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