it's been a while...

Jan 16, 2011 15:26

bop-radar's Brand New Start (True Blood)- Aww, Jessica and Hoyt are probably my favorite couple on True Blood. The music is cute for them in the vid, which is strange and adorable.
bop-radar's When life gives me lemons, I make lemonade (Community)- Great quirky editing, music use, and sound matching. I had the doofiest grin on my face for most of the vid.

danegen's Power (True Blood)- The song choice fits Russell absolutely. I wanted to laugh, which I did, but I ended up taking the whole thing seriously. I was caught between the LOLZ and the SRS BSNS.
danegen's Sweet Ones (Were the World Mine)- Total fun! Great music and it does a great job of fitting in with the movie too. It has a fantastical feeling in the music that is perfect for the movie.

sol_se's Evil Love Shack of Darkness (Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness)- LOLZ, hi-larious and awesome. I'm bouncing along with the song and the chainsaw. KILLED ME DEAD WITH LAUGHTER.

rec, tee vee, movies, tee vee: true blood, fandom

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