In your own space, promote three communities, challenges, blogs, pages, Twitters, Tumblrs or platforms and explain why you love them. Leave a comment in
this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Pinboard I love pinboard. Social bookmarking FTW! ...and social bookmarking that is aware of and paying attention to fans. There is a
popular bookmarks page for fandom. I'm just incredibly appreciative of the way that Maciej Cegłowski, who isn't fannish, values the fannish community and what they bring to his site. He gave a talk called
Fan is a Tool-Using Animal this past year that is exactly what's on the tin, basically. It's about fans and technology (and is mostly accurate) and very enthusiastic. I spend a lot of time on pinboard; it's a very important communal space for me. I get most of my fic recs from there.
kink_finders I've actually recced this comm before. It combines two things I love: recs and tropes/kinks.
kink_finders "is a multi-fandom fic-finder community to help you find fics that match a kink you might have -- for a broad definition of 'kink' meaning 'anything that presses your buttons and gets you excited'. That might be something that fits the traditional meaning of kink, or a narrative technique, or a type of character, or whatever." Basically any time any one searches for anything is pretty interesting to me. Kinks! Recs! (It's awesome.)
imadeathing It's a multifandom crafts festival. Multifandom! Crafts! There have been two rounds so far and people have made some amazing things. I love me some things. I love ceramics and knitwear and cake. I am really into going to metalwork museums and textile museums and design museums. Objects are pretty great, is what I am trying to say here, so I've really enjoyed those two rounds that have happened. Fans making things is really exciting for me.
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