Snowflake Challenge: Day One

Jan 01, 2014 15:46

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

(I was so excited when today's
snowflake_challenge got posted and it was the same as last year's because while this is the first year I've participated I've thought about it in years previous and so had already picked out what I was reccing for this challenge. It's like my previous inability to successfully compile a post has suddenly transmuted itself into preparedness; I'm enjoying that.)

Yuletide Letter and Fannish Excitement
So, I'm reccing my most recent yuletide letter, which is from 2012 because this past year was way too busy for me. yuletide is something that completely delights me; I love that there is this huge exchange for all of these teeny tiny fandoms. I love getting to see all of the different things that people are fannish about, that people want to read about. I love yuletide letters. They are actually one of my favorite bits of yuletide. The first year I did yuletide I feel like I read all the rules and recommendations. I read meta about yuletide letters and then, basically, followed the instructions and ended up with what I later realised was slightly more picture-heavy and detailed and included maybe more links than other letters, and then I did it again next year, basically. I am really into that whole yuletide letter writing thing is what I am saying, here. My yuletide letter is generally one of my favorite fanworks that I'll create in any year; they're just a lot of fun for me.

Meta on Reccing
This might be the fanwork that I am most proud of having created. Posting this was reasonably nerve-wracking because it was one of the more personal entries I'd ever posted and I was making both a general and a very specific critique and was worried about how that was going to be received. It was the first time I'd ever done something like that. It was really good, though; people were awesome and I had some really interesting discussions as a result of it. Reccing is something that I care about a lot and I like that I've created a fanwork that reflects that and lays that out explicitly. I like that this is a fanwork that has resulted in change.

I made this rec set for
kink_bingo 2012, which was the year that they changed their reccing rule to make the minimum 10 recs OR 500 words. I loved making this rec set and writing it with that focus on kink. It was an incredibly enjoyable experience for me. When I was figuring out what rec set to include in this there were a couple others that I considered but this one was just such a delight to make - it was great. Like every fanwork of mine on this list there's a thing or two that I would do differently were I doing it now, but I am incredibly fond of it in spite of that.

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snowflake challenge

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