Okay, I'm back in Puerto Rico... it's really great to be able to run outside and not pull on a gazzillion layers of clothing. On the other hand, I'm not too keen on the amount of insects that are running rampant.
It looks like some of my plants have decided that world domination is a good idea. Thankfully they have been kept to one patch of the yard. Honestly, just how BIG do coleus grow anyway? *boggles*
I would love to keep making silly comments... but I have to go and dig my old light-box up out of storage. If I can't find it, then I have to jury-rig the dinning room table to work as an impromptu light-table for a series of commissions I'm in the middle of. XD
Shoot, can't forget about laundry either.
Hmmm, I really hope that my sore-throat isn't a sign of bad things to come.