And Rest (R | Dean\Castiel)

Feb 02, 2011 17:25

Title: And Rest
Rating: R
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: 478
Beta: moonofblindness
Warnings: General season 6 spoilers
A/N: Written in math class of all places
Summary: Dean's exhausted but Cas is there.

Dean's exhausted as he pushes into the motel room. He smells and his clothes stick to his skin. All he wants his a shower and bed.

He drops his bag on the bed and scrubs a hand over his face. This is the part that sucks about not sharing a motel room with Sam.

He pulls the salt out and salts the windows and door. He rolls out the mat with the devil's trap in front of the door.

The guns come out next, laid out on the yellow formica table. Dean glances over at the bed longingly.

"I'm getting to old for this," he sighs to the empty room.

"I doubt that," Cas' voice comes from behind him.

It says something that Dean doesn't even start. "Hey, Cas."

Cas steps into his personal space. "I would have joined you earlier if I could have."

"It's fine Cas," Dean tells him starting to turn.

Cas presses his nose into Dean's neck.

"Fuck, Cas. I stink. Don't do that." His head still tips back.

"You smell like you," Cas disagrees. His hand slides up under Dean's shirt.

Dean shifts. "Crazy angel."

Cas nuzzles his neck again and Dean sighs happily.

"You're tired," Cas says into his skin.

"Not too tired for this," Dean mumbles.

Cas chuckles, a hot breath across Dean's skin. "I wish to shower with you."

"Thought you liked my smell," Dean says. He lets Cas maneuver him into the bathroom.

"I also enjoy you wet," Cas tell him. Cas pushes up his shirt.

Dean hums, letting Cas strip him. He returns the favor, pushing the trench coat to the floor, tugging the shirt buttons apart.

The hot water feels like heaven on Dean's skin. Cas' hand skims all over him and he touches Cas every place he can. But he's tired, so he leans against Cas. He let's the angel rub the soap over him. Tips his head back as Cas washes his hair.

When they get out of the shower. Dean fumbles with Cas' hips. "Let me blow you."

Cas smiles. "I believe you'd fall asleep in the middle of it," Cas teases.

"Lies," Dean says, nuzzling Cas' neck, dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin. "Don't want to waste our time together."

"Being with you is never a waste of time to me," Cas tells him firmly. He kisses Dean and presses him back onto the bed.

Cas wraps himself around Dean, stroking his back. "You've got more important things to do then watch me sleep," Dean argues.

"Yes," Cas admits. "But I wish to be here. Now sleep."

Dean falls into dreamless slumber. Cas is there when dawn comes and they traid lazy kisses before Cas leaves. Cas promises to return as soon as he can.

Dean's even starting to believe him.

fic, spn, rating: r, dean/castiel

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