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After our fun outing at the Market last May that was extremely well-received, someone suggested we return for the Redmond Saturday Market's Kids' Day on September 4. So we did! Lots of smiles and children's cheer ensued. Until we got more or less told to leave after I went through great lengths to gain the desired security clearance beforehand... long story.
It pretty much came down to the market manager giving us the wrong time and being afraid that we were stealing the show from the buskers (musicians that played for money) and the entertainers she hired for that day. Though we even went over to them in fursuit and they loved us and wanted pictures, and as she was telling us off there were a swarm of kids around us wanting hugs and pictures. *sigh*
But we still got a good amount of suiting in! More fursuiting shenanigans from the park coming up in a later video!
Featuring in suit:
Kijani (as Kato)
Se'kar (as Leka)
Frostbite (as the guilty blue fox himself)
Thanks again to Dolphin Echo for capturing our furry frolicking on film.