Another Sunday in Addis Abeba...

Jan 14, 2007 18:53

You never know what you're going to run into on a Sunday morning in Addis :-). I went to St. Frumentios' (the Greek-speaking Alexandrian Orthodox cathedral in the centre of the city) expecting the same crowd as is always there and ran into a very pleasant Serb who spoke excellent English. The services themselves were good and I reconnected with people I'd been acquainted with previously, but meeting Alexander was quite a pick up. Quite an unusual guy - he asked to work here (he's with the Serbian foreign service) and apparently has enjoyed living here a lot.

The second unexpected event of the day was the door coming off of my van* on the way from T'or Hailoch (near where my parents live) to Zenebewerk' where I was meeting my parents and friends of theirs for lunch. It was quite a humorous experience - the door came off due to an overzealous tug on the part of the conductor :-) (or whatever you call the guys who collect the money and chat the passengers up :-) ). Only took about 10 minutes of tugging and manoeuvring to get the thing back on, but it made me smile :-). I love Ethiopia - where would this happen in the States? Nowhere I've been, that's for sure...

Anyways, that's about it for my day. Aunt Lois comes in tonight, so presumably we'll be spending time with her sometime during the first part of this week. I hope you all are well! Your prayers as always.

*As in Russia, here in Addis there're # basic forms of public transport, namely large buses (as in the States), vans, and taxi cabs. They also have pickups with covered backs that serve as taxis as well.

van, parents, st. frumentios', addis abeba, alexander, ethiopia

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