More dreamlog action

Jun 04, 2008 11:56

So, I've been getting in the habit of logging my dreams. I write/draw the normal ones into my sketchbook and I post the funny ones into my LJ just for you guys.

Last night I had a dream that, after stopping at Sternbergia to feed the cats, I returned home to find that my father had rebuilt my room into a military command center straight out of a 1980's armageddon movie. All of the walls folded down or rotated to hide the military hardware from me. I was all "This is bullshit dad! This is my room!" and he told me that he had built the room to be his command center back in the 70's before he had kids.

I was naturally pissed that my dad had usurped my room so i fought back in the only way that an angst ridden teen can: skateboarding. Thats right, SKATEBOARDING. I have never owned or operated a skateboard in my life, but I was kicking some serious ass. Ihateyoumomdadskateboardingrulez!!!!!! Man, I sure showed him!

That is so Colechester.

Also, feeding Graham's cats? SERIOUSLY? You'd think I'd have something better to dream about....then again, maybe not.


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