Losing my glasses

Apr 14, 2011 00:52

To add insult to the injury of my past week, I have lost my beautiful Kate Spade Karen Navy/Beige glasses. And they can be anywhere. They could be at the Fremont station, where I boarded a Richmond train to Lake Merritt station. They could be at the Rene C. Davidson Alameda County Courthouse where I served my 4th day of jury duty. They could be at Eden Plaza Cafe down the street where I bought a chai latte and a banana nut muffin after being excused. Then, they could be on that SF/Daly City train I took to work. They could be at Montgomery station. On the 38L I took. Could be at the new big Daiso. Could be at work somewhere. Could be at YakiniQ Cafe. I know I didn't have it when I went home. I only have the links in here because I need to call all of those places tomorrow. ;_; I've already filed reports for BART and MUNI.

Could just be lying on the street in between all of those places. Or, it's on some stranger's face right now. Great. I should check eBay. This is another reason I should drive everywhere because if I lose something, it will just be in my car.

Can the year of the metal rabbit just end already? It has sucked so bad for the past 2 months. I am straight up buying a cactus tomorrow. And I just got those glasses in January. I suppose it was during the year of the tiger still. Just great.

[edit]: Updates
1. MUNI - filed lost report
2. BART - filed lost report
3. Eden Plaza Cafe - not there I called the wrong one, there are a lot of these in Oakland. D: The real place, of course, asked for my info just in case.
4. Courthouse - searching -- Operator at Rene C Davidson transfered me over to the Hayward court before I finished my sentence. At least the Hayward operator was nice enough to take my info and actually look for it. ;_; so nice
5. Daiso - didn't find it, but I left my info
6. YakiniQ Cafe - didn't find it, but I left my info

I think calling every place is making me feel better. Somewhat at least.

囧rz, life

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