Fallish Feelings...

Sep 25, 2008 22:28

I love this time of year...the breeze is blowing and it turning brisk outside!!! I am ready to begin wearing more clothes because now if I am freezing at least I don't look like the dork wearing winter in the summer... as Ramona would say, "You can put on more than I can take off!!!" For the love of have not so much meat on the bones... or maybe just around the mid section!!! which does my limbs no good fighting off the chill!!! Sooo... pumpkins and playing dress up is also a huge favorite at our house - we have all decided what we each want to be!!! Eli wants to be iron man, cole a firefighter, and our little princess - Belle would be her choice!!!
So with fall comes football and that is all the rage at our home... living with boys is bound to be a football fest!!! We have attended mine and Eli's first Alabama football game ... and to my family, please forgive me for crossing over to the dark side... I will not let allow a football game -or team come between my die hard bama boys and me...Eli has trouble with us being on different teams...and if he is going to be the next Eli Goulde then so be it! I better get on board!!! I did wear a pink bama shirt if that makes you feel any better...lol!!! I can not prove this yet to those who doubt it is true - I can not find my cords for the camera...but it will come...one day!!! One day I will have proof that I have crossed over to the other side -- even if it does still offend me that they announced the score to the Auburn game throughout the evening... and the that was just uncalled for in my humble oppinion...and I hear Auburn does the same -- so I am just thinking that is a bit too much!!! But that only proves I am not a huge football fantic not whose side I choose...
sooo.... other matters on my mind... Grey's season premier was tonight!!! I did watch and I did enjoy... yeah for hospital drama!!! I am not addicted to any other shows running at this point--- we recorded a few and have not really felt compelled to continue with them...biggest looser, for example... just not that into it this season... but oh well... kiddos keep us busy enough between homework, soccer, dance, supper, laundry, baths, and bed... we can't handle much tv time!!! And we are showing our age...it took us three nights to watch the last movie we started!!!
bloggin' is too time consuming too... I have a one more load before lights out and this just helps me hang on!!! So thanks for hanging in there with me thought my midnight thoughts!
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