Aug 24, 2008 21:16

So lets see... we sooo thought we were going home yesterday (meaning we would leave today) so I traded places with Mark so I could come home and rest up...spend time with the little bits... Dannah was starting to get a runny nose so mother was ready for me to help out... I left Eli knowing he had been off of oxygen all afternoon and if he continued through the night doing so well we would be home Sunday afternoon...well by the time I got home and took care of Dannah...Mark was calling asking a 1000 questions about Eli's intake and output and his stats had dropped back down in the low 90's 89 range...so they put him back on oxygen...thus no homecoming for today... I will say that I have gotten to introduce my son to my life before he was born my years at children's have proven to come in handy...I have also used my child life skills this weekend which just made my heart smile...oh how I love that place... (not for my own kids but...you are always at work and know you are needed!!!) Anyway... so last night after getting the little ones settled I headed back to the hospital where mark and I both spent the night... THANK GOD FOR MOTHER AND DADDY...we have tons of support and Mark's parents have been on standby this weekend as well.. we are sooo blessed!!!! Anyway... I got to sleep with little man last night and hear his every breath and he did well... they took him off during the night (actually I think in his scratching and tossing he pulled it off and they saw he tolerated it so kept off) -- he did have to have it again this morning...but by afternoon they took him off he kept his stats up in the high 90's for the longest yet!!! And he has been off of IV fluids since this afternoon as well... his dr said that his left lung sounds much improved and the right one is still sorta tight... but that we are well on our way... and it just takes some kids longer to get over this than others... it was a pretty severe attack and he is still at times running a low grade fever just from the virus...but nothing to concerning... anyway... He was instructed to get up and move around now that he has no attachments...they did leave the iv needle in just in case ...but we can move!!! He and granddaddy took a long afternoon walk around the hospital and when he saw the front doors he tried to make a clean break...lol!!! He has been way more our little man this afternoon ...football on the brain...and singing songs... surprised he did not break dance for his nurses...but maybe tomorrow... they also had a "code T" which was tornado watch and all had to move to the hallways...now imagine inpatients in beds can't get up... moving all bed kids to the halls...I have only been there once with this chaos...so they did get a treat...Eli asked "is this just a practice?!" We took Dannah and Cole out to eat as a family tonight (minus one...but I took him a plate back- i refuse to eat at Olive Garden without taking him a plate) sooo they felt loved but they miss their Eli and he misses them... so we took them for another visit tonight ... he wanted to cry when we left...but I told him I would make a deal with him...if he stayed and kept coughing and drinking we would see who would make it home faster me or him tomorrow after school...well it is on... so lets all cross our fingers and our toes and say our prayers that mom gets beat home tomorrow!!! We love you all and sooo appreciate the prayers ...the calls... the emails... the love!!! This is what Jesus' love is all about...taking care of each other ... lifting each other up... and we feel so blessed to have those around us we know are praying ... we feel your prayers and it is our strength... I hope tomorrow I will be posting with Eli sitting beside me in bed... beggin' for his turn on this computer... till then...
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