Okay blogs are for sharing letting it all out... telling our stories to find comfort or perspective... find out about those who we choose to lurk around (Katie) on others blogs or we find those we have much in common with and we link together through stories of kids...hobbies.. happenings... so in the spirit of school -- I have come to reflect on my own school daze... and let me say it was a daze at times... a fog if you will... I was not the valedictorian - that was my sister...I was the cute one... (the one who would be fine... get married!!lol!!! daddy!!!) anyway... I was a loving child -- had lots of friends -- which in our small town of 3 to 4 thousand and a graduating class of 70ish... we all pretty much grew up together shared life together... were kin --lol!!! So here is a time to share -- I have a wonderful memory and much like my dad remember things at a wee early age... (womb) lol!!! sooo here are my moments... some are funny some will make you think...and some will explain why I am the way I am (kelly I love the flair -- if only you knew my family!!!) But if you read this and finish ... well then I only ask one thing you share your anonymous if you must...(mark!! one day I will suck you in) favorite memory of school days~~ My Story ... as I remember it... mother stayed home with me until I was four almost five... I was turning five and school would start soon so she had a discussion with me (for her own peace of mind) if it would be okay for her to return to work(again us moms tend to have these moments knowing our kids don't get it)... I would only have to spend a very small amount of time in the preschool (jack and jill - no less! love daycare names - creative I tell you) So this is where my first friends were formed... this is where I tasted soap for the first time... and I might add... I can remember our dirt diggin' toys were forks and spoons (the metal ones- who was running this thing btw!!) I got a great idea to toss my spoon in the air and watch it land in the pile of dirt(not much to entertain!) ...only patrick...(and if you are reading this and know this guys...I have always been sooo sorry for this!!) was climbing through a tunnel beside me and he happened to come out of this tunnel about the time my spoon was spiraling down to the dirt... I got my mouth washed out and sat out of playtime that day...and the other thing I remember was Kevin and I walking to the after care and getting a hot bowl of spaghetti o's... and then laying down on a cot where I had the worst pillow my parents owned ...it was one of those hook and pull pillow crafts that I am sure paige made... it itched my face soo bad... I cried inside for my mother!!! honestly!!! ... okay bigger fish to fry ...Kindergarten...if you read my comment to DeEtte...it was true ...I learned to smoke and cross my legs from my kindergarten teacher -no one else smoked around me at this age (that I was aware of) we know this because that was the year I would come home and cross my legs in my mothers sun room and smoke crayons while reading to my students(mothers sun room plants)loved stories and soaked them in...and I assume my teacher rolled the window out so not to set off smoke alarms...the details are foggy and I must also add that she was only my teacher for half the year ...and I really liked her she was nice enough to hold me remember (I cried all day that first day!)... but I just know that if one of my kids started smoking a crayon...well... i would just have to flip out!!! lol!!! so also that year...and some of my gal pals and I still laugh about this one... when the teacher got her break (back then no one came and sat in on our class... or so it would seem...) several of the boys in our class gave us the moon pie ...yep...now I hid my face in fear...but we all giggled ...and they did get punishment... spanked bare bottom... (now those were the daze!!!) So just think my first year in school well...lets just say I learned alot... maybe this explains some things...lol!!! So 1st grade... this was a year of fear!!! OMG!!! only this teacher i hated... I was scared of her... she was not nice at all to me...and caused a gap in my education... which was already off to a bad start... she had a white paddle as long as my leg... or so it seemed... I was in class with my best friend (which for those of you wondering...seems I have liked to talk from the beginning) shea and I were called up to the chalk board tray along with others to quietly pick a book ...now I am sure I whispered... I was also not one to draw attention to myself (believe it or not!) but we were probably saying look what I got -- and whack...first spanking (AND LAST from a teacher) not when I got home with that story... So now I have to tell you funny or sad part depends on the mood you are in... so I was also the kid who had a bad bladder and I am not kidding (dr.s could prove it!) so she was not great at letting us pee as needed (as these days the kids are allowed...so love the fact our kids can pretty much go anytime!!!) and I am also one who has issues with public bathrooms... germ phobic...since the beginning... ugh!!! So one fine day she puts our math problems on the board...call each one up to work out a problem...well I was counting ahead... knew which problem was mine and knew if I got out of my seat Niagara Falls would fall!!!! So I raise my hand and tried to get her to come my way... I need to speak with you... I need to use the bathroom please (which I am sure I added!!!) she of coarse said as soon as you work your problem...well after calling my daddy for the 100th time to leave work to bring me a change... lets just say he started keeping those in his car!!! have mercy people... for the love!!! I missed phonics that year... I did have a wonderful 2nd grade teacher who I thought was beautiful... she made me feel sooo special (we were the only two lefties in the class) and she would rotate weeks we got to be her helper and sit by her desk...and I lived for my week... as did the other kids.. (it was not a bad thing but a positive) thus hope for the education system down south!!! third grade was not so bad... other than my multiplication and a certain timed test!!! Finally after Mr. H's love and belief in me...and my daddy bribing me with a boom box I got them in the allotted time frame... now we did not have intermediate school we had middle school which was jail... no windows at all... scary but I loved 4th grade and remember my history class...my favorite and started my love of history...stories anything with a story I tell you!!! now Ms. D wore those reading glasses and my mom had a few... so yep you guessed it back to the sun room still playing school... only this time I had kicked the crayon habit!!! I would study history by reading to those plants... and they were beautiful... you know talking to them makes them grow right??? My parents told me this ... maybe now after having Dannah I understand they were telling me this so I would talk to the plants and not them...lol!!! I will use this with her!!! 5th grade my grandmother died and my keen memory is of getting called to the office (remember never another spanking...) so I was sweating by the time I got there and I also remember Blake...saying "wwwoooo..."as if I were in for it... thanks dude the walk was much easier!!! Only to find my dad who pulled me into one of the private offices to tell my my nanny had not woken up that morning...well my nanny lived with us and was one of the best nannies a gal could have (right kimball!) well my life was changed... funny how those moments effect us... I was in math ...Ms. Lee's room ...blake being the snot he always was...(he did apologize and was my boyfriend during some of those years) -- that was 5th grade... I am sure there were smaller tidbits... fusses with friends... boyfriends coming and going but never going anywhere ... I would tell my dad I was going with so and so... he would ask where are you going??? knowing I was never allowed to date...let alone even talk on the phone with one and surely never allowed to call a boy... he was not much of a catch if I gal had to call and pursue him...so my mother would not allow it or hear of it... and dannah better watch out... ole school will look really bad when she is older... especially they way life is now...yikes!!! okay... so that is that - sixth grade - had one teacher that I liked going into the year... one I must say I did not care so much far...she was just not too nice unless you were in her circle of friends... and one we all thought would be mean and turned out to be super nice and my over night field trip chaperon -- fun!!! sixth grade dance...with my dad...and loved it!!! "Take me down to paradise city" I am sure the boys picked that great song!!! Finally High School -- our 7- 12 grade were pretty much all in the same building... wings...but still!!! spring break that year... our sweet small home town flooded... and I am talking NOAH folks... if you say where I am from these days the next word out of your mouth is "yes I can swim!!" have mercy... nasty ...heart breaking... this the germ a phob... scared of snake... no telling what we might find... and everyone was different... I learned that year that sometimes saying "I" instead of "We" is not always a good thing...(however, I don't always share the same view point as other!!!) Anyway, back to school...or should I say trailorville!!!! and I mean it those portable trailers soon became home to our elementary and high school years... but I must not leave out the tents and buses and make shift school set up in an armory... with portable classrooms... I can remember one teacher (who I don't blame) could not talk history over the noise so she would right down our lectures on the black board and take our test straight from notes... my grades improved!!! Our home economics classes (which I loved and is why maybe I am such a good cook and house keeper -lol!!!) were sad... we only learned to sew paper... lack of supply... so if you hear floods... stop and pray... not easy!!! But we did have perks -- if you woke up to rain on the roof good chance you would get to sleep in or either get nasty in the mud between classes... I don't think those teachers got paid enough!! honestly can you imagine!!! So skip ahead 10th grade... new school...was it tenth or ninth...hummm...fog... anyway... in high school I enjoyed the simple things like my friends... and getting to drive (however bad I was at it!) Socialization became the center of attention everything else was just to get by... I guess after all we were celebrating just making that far...or I was... lol!!! I can honestly say that I did not graduate valedictorian (paige did) but I had a good time going to school... and had lots of great friends who I talk to this day and have shared life with... we have each gone our separate ways but somehow only feels like yesterday ... (it was only 13 years ago ...please not that old!!) but ...I will say that I do pray my kids will love school ... they will find those friends that stick with them through life... and those fun ones that come and go... but leave an impression... or a story... thinking back on the later years I guess those of us who have little ones now maybe this will put things in perspective... they will be okay -- we need to save the worry for driving their first car... first dates... proms... and parties... and Alisa I am telling you sister... that first week without them when they are in their dorm miles away... you stay in my prayers these days girl... we love you robert and know you will succeed at life... eli is just praying he will get to see you again before you grow up!!! I think he is afraid you will not play with him once you grow up!!! lol!!! So if you stuck with me on memory lane... I hope you understand me better and enjoyed -- lol!!!