Long Weekend ... yeah!!!

Sep 01, 2007 16:58

Well - few and far between and I hardly have a thought in my brain!!! School DAZE is just that school daze!!!! It keeps us busy and on my toes... getting Eli reading and going over his work - soccer has started - baths and bags packed -- shew!!! I can't believe today is already September!!! And football started -- Norman is over and we are gearing up for ALABAMA FOOTBALL - MY BOYS ARE NO LONGER MINE! Eli is in full gear! I am free to talk on the phone if anyone gets this -- hehe!!!! We had Cole's first IEP - Individual Education Plan - meeting -- his teacher was so thrilled at how he has transitioned into school -- we are starting next week or so to introduce picture cards to help him with tantrums -- we show him picture of lets say church - we will pass the shopping center with (Thomas in it - so ) the card would show a shopping center with an X it - meaning we are going to church not to see Thomas -- we could also put a card on for if we do this without kicking and screaming and get to church well then he might get a reward card - I am not big on rewards for just passing buildings but on haircuts without me and two others holding him down I am good with reward!!!! So we will see how this goes - he is not eating very good at school so I have promised his teacher a trip to Olive Garden so she can see how good he eats -- he loves the Lion!!! Dannah is better - we had a trip to the ER with ear infections last week - Mark and I prayed for those parents who have extended stays in hospitals with little ones -- it was so hard -- she gave us a good scare and was having trouble breathing -- it was cold induced and once we got her on meds she has been much better!!! I miss working at the hospital not visiting the hospital! hehe!!! We have had little sleep and we are enjoying sleeping in at least for a few more days!!! Have a Great Labor Day!!!
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