It felt as if there was a hole in my stomach.
Imagine waking up at five in the morning with that feeling plus a stiff neck and a strained back from all the dancing I did last night. Of course, the hard-headed little girl in me still insisted to drive to school and go to class. The pain will probably go away anyway.
Come seven in the morning, the pain was still there so I decided to grab a bite in the cafeteria. Now, I had an empty stomach since I deliberately ignored the breakfast prepared for me. Ditching my usual 711 trips to buy MineShine milk tea, the best milk tea in town I swear, I just settled for a ten-peso Tang and some fries. (Actually I forgot to pass by 711 'cause I was driving so fast I had forgotten to stop by. I had already taken a u-turn when I remembered my milk tea).
Now if I added strange acidic pain, empty stomach and orange juice all together, I'd be in excruciating pain. I knew this'd happen but I was hungry and I wasn't in the mood for coffee (Gasp! Did I actually say I wasn't in the mood for coffee), but then again, coffee wouldn't be of much help either.I went to my 7:30 History class, with the very inspiring J.D. Hofilena, and went on ignoring the pain. And it actually worked because the pain started to subside. By the end of the class, I felt something burning in my stomach and I swear it made my life a living hell. What made things stranger and more suspicious was how I felt so cold during the day. Maybe I was sick since a lot of people I know and hang out with are sick. Makes sense.
I stayed in the CADs room for what seemed like eternity, looking for a position I'd be comfortable in and yet to no avail. It was only after three hours that I had managed to head to the infirmary to get my medication and what did I get? A sincere sermon from the doctor.
See I don't skip meals. I just eat meals at strange times or I wait for my stomach to intensely grumble before I grab a bite. Of course I had to tell the doctor about my diet, that I haven't been eating rice regularly since November, thrice a month at most, and I told her that I've been eating soup for the past week for dinner and a bottle of milk tea for breakfast. It so happened that acid was leaking out of my stomach, probably screwing up the lining. I've had this before, during the most crucial period of my dieting. I went home soon after, cutting two of my classes, one of which was a thesis class.
Driving was a struggle and I was crying out in pain. The accident near the uturn to C.P. Garcia didn't help either.
Damn hyperacidity.
I just wanted to lose frickin' weight but not to the extent of throwing up every single time I swallow something. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. Now I can't even open a bottle of Yakult. I'm that weak.
It's still frickin' cold.
And oh, Lucky Manzano's claim on Kremil S isn't true.
It seems that I'll be going to bed on an even emptier stomach.
Hey Beba, thanks for this video. It made me feel heaps better.It made me cry actually, but it was a good kind of cry.
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Goodness, I'm still crying. Connie Talbot is the most amazing six-year old singer ever. Totemo Kawaii!!! Somewhere Over The Rainbow never sounded so beautiful. She made me miss my niece so bad.