Nov 16, 2007 02:58
What a movie. I highly recommend it. Powerful and sad, intense at times, while still leaving you feeling good when its over. It wound me up a bit and I immediately went to the bar for a beer. This may have been Viggo's best role. I trying to see Love in the Time of Cholera on Saturday. I'm reading the book now and it's great. I'm glad one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's works has made it to the big screen while he's still alive. I've read some lukewarm reviews, but I'm still excited to see it.
Looks like I'm practicing with both bands tomorrow back-to-back. We'll see how that goes.
Eastern Promises ended up being a better "date" movie than I thought after reading a review and asking a friend about it. Sure it was gross at times, but the story is so engrossing you'll be sure to have a great conversation afterwards. Thanks to Liana for rolling with me.