you always pull the unseen chains

Mar 24, 2011 01:20

joined ► 04 June ★ 2010
level ☆ strawberry & cards ☆ 1151 & 50 ☆ until lemon
LOGS ► activity: I II ☆ trades: I II

Welcome~★! // Bienvenue~★! // 歓迎~★! // καλωσόρισμα~★!

Mnemosyne: This leads you to the main post (here). Random things are here like;
☆ Crayons: Accepting trades. Negotiable
☆ Keeping cards: Accepting trades. Will trade for cards from palette.
☆ Signature cards: Accepting trades. Will trade if extra signature or green crayon is available for use.

Palettes: This post has all the cards that make up my current portfolios. My current & future portfolios are;
☆ Monochrome: CURRENT/ Apple, Castle, Empress, Jewel, Princess, Ruby & Thorn Queen
☆ Palette: CURRENT/ Guild
+ FUTURE/ Aimo, Angel (mastered), Parasite, Jokes, Chat, Ukraine, Belarus & Russia
Current palettes are NOT for trade. Future palette cards remain in future pile.

Mastered: Only one category here.
☆ Mastered decks: Mastered these and they just look pretty there now.

Future: Also only one category here. The different decks are sorted by color and then alphabetized.
☆ Future decks: Accepting trades. Will trade for palette cards. Trading buddies can trade within this tier.

Trade: Decks to be traded away. There are two categories here;
☆ Might collect: Not accepting trades. Will trade away for palettes.
☆ Tasks: If incomplete accepting trades. Will trade away if you're collecting that card.
☆ Trading: Accepting trades. Will trade away for any category other than might collect.

Post trade offers on any of these posts you'd like to~

you are here

f e l l o w ☆ a r t i s t s

s u p p l y ☆ c a b i n e t


m a s t e r e d ☆ d e c k s

k e e p s ☆ p i l e

want: president 05, turtle 04, tenshi 12, sergeant 02, cards with sunflowers, cards with flowers

s i g n a t u r e s

★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
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