killin time.

Nov 15, 2005 12:46

1. What was the first car your family had?
i believe it was a MG convertible, either that or this grand pre that supposedly was the same as one that james bond had in some movie (or so my parents would say)

2. What was the name of your first pet and why?
i forget, it was a little white poofy puppy that my parents ended up giving away before i was 2... after that we had this dog named "prince"

3. How did your first pet die?
i think he was already old when we got him... anyways, that wasn't the traumatizing part, the traumatizing part was that my lolo bagged him up in one of those black garden trash bags and put him in the dumpster. i was a pissed little 6 year old that week.

4. What was the name of your elementary school?
Harrington (1st-3rd) and Rose Avenue (4th-6th)

5. Who was your first best friend?
i think it was this kid mario

6. Are you still friends today, and if not, what happened?
nope... by 4th grade we were making fun of him and he turned kinda schizo

7. What was your favorite board game?
trivial pursuit... i just thought the little pies were cool

8. Did you play house or other make believe games?
when my brother was born, it was mostly stuff like "restaurant", but before that i used to do soap opera-esque melodramas with my transformers and hot wheels... some really tear-jerking stories too

9. Were you a Dungeons and Dragons geek?
no, but my cousins were, and i could never go in their room because the paint fumes were supposedly gonna kill me

10. Did you sleep with stuffed animals as a kid?
yeah, too many.... the result of going to circus circus 3 times a year

11. Do you still sleep with stuffed animals?
nope, they chillen on the bench

12. Who was the first person you looked up to when you were younger?
my dad

13. Who was your favorite relative?
my ninong's kids, since i had no blood relatives in oxnard at the time, and because they had the coolest shit, including one of those electric organs with two keyboards and gyromite with the robot

14. Were you short or tall in elementary school?

15. Were you teased in school?
yeah... i was/am a pretty wimpy/nerdy kid

16. What was the name of your favorite teacher?
mr. B. short for mr. brandenburg. he made me love school. plus he would play kickball with us and kick the ball all the way to the other side of the school. not nearly as crazy as when he would play dodgeball with us....

17. What was the name of your least favorite teacher?
i can't remember her name, but it was my 5th grade teacher... i think we made her cry once.

18. What was your best subject in school?

19. What was your worst subject in school?
probably math. not that it was hard, but that i just didn't really give a shit.

20. Did you do well in Physical Education?
hahaha, hell no. not with my 14 minute mile runs.

21. Were you clumsy when you were younger?
yup. clumsy and a little too hyper. resulted in me getting stitches once.

22. Who was your favorite band as a kid?
the carpenters.

23. What was your favorite movie as a kid?
its either license to drive or howard the duck. lea thompson and heather graham were HOT.

24. Did your parents read to you?
for a little while, but i leared to read pretty quickly so i ended up not needing them too.

25. Did you have a favorite book?
any encyclopedia brown book.

26. What was your favorite restaurant as a kid?
mcdonalds. shit, i had two birthdays there... don't even test me on the cheesburger box stacking game.

27. On what TV or movie star did you have a crush?
the older sister on different strokes

28. Do you now wonder what you were thinking?
hah yeah... i don't know if i'd hit that today. shoulda been thinking about punky brewster.

29. Who was your first crush in school?
mariel in 1st grade. she ended up kissing me on the bus home from the santa barbara zoo. score!

30. As a child, what kind of car did you want when you grew up?
delorean. WITH the flux capacitor.

31. Did your parents spank you?
yeah... belts mostly.

32. Did your parents fight a lot when you were a kid?
not that i remember.

33. Did your parents get divorced or stay married?

34. If they got divorced, how old were you when it happened?
see above.

35. Did you ever run away from home?
all the time. got pretty close a couple of them.

36. How old were you when/if you first got glasses?
6th grade. i WANTED glasses. my ambition was to be a mixed-up inventer scientist guy, like that dude in that flubber movie. and when i was told they were scratchproof, i promptly dropped them on the ground and stepped on them to test it. stupid stupid stupid.

37. Did you need braces or a retainer?
nope, but my overbite is kinda bad.

38. If you’re female, how old were you when you got your period?
not applicable.

39. If you’re male, how old were you when you had your first wet dream?
hah dont think i've ever had one. seriously! i think i know why...

40. Females - when did you start shaving?
not applicable.

44. Who was your first kiss with?
april, in 8th grade. i just remember she slobbered a bit.

45. What was your first kiss like?

46. How old were you when you went on your first date?

47. Who was your first date with?
i guess april.

48. What did you do on your first date?
made out.

49. How old were you when you first drank?
14. drank some o'douls. guess that doesn't count...

50. How old were you when you first tried drugs?

51. Did you ever get kicked out of the house?
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