Nov 14, 2005 20:18
I like talking to people I care about. I got to see my section from OC at the banquet this weekend. It's going to be so hard not going back. We had a contra table and I remembered how much I miss being so comfortable with a group of people. We all say anything, do anything, around each other. Its really funny to watch the guys pretend to flirt with each other, or with me, since I'm just one of the guys. I don't have to watch what they will think about anything I do, its nice. It may have been the last time I will ever see Tristan. I'm not super upset, but he gave me a nice goodbye kiss. I have reached the point where I don't worry about loosing people as much, because I prepare myself ahead of time. I know it isnt going to be forever, but it's fun while it goes on. Dosen't mean I don't care about people, I just don't let myself build up lots of expectations. I also got to see Andrew, and now I'm talking to friends on the messanger. I finally went to the doctors and went through all that rigamoral to try and get un-sick too, after everyone bugged me about it enough. Tommorow is the Ensamble concert and Tuesday is my big neuroscience presentation, so I have a full plate, but I feel like I can handle it. It is good to feel like someone cares, and it is especially nice that I finally have people at Willamette who would actually help me if I am hurting. I might declare a psych minor so that I actually have classes to take next year too.