I hae a 15-20 page paper due on Wensday on the application of Equal Protection and Due Process to minorities in legal proceedings that I've thus far neglected. I really need ot get on that but instead I'm updating my livejournal.
The battle betwen the Conservative Studen't Union and varying left wing groups here at CSULB continues to intensify. Today the bulliten boards and kiosks around campus were plastered with warring flyes. The ConSU(I won't call them CSU) has taken to writing nasty letters to Latino/Chicano studies faculty and students and posting their vitriol around school. The left wing groups have been no les prolific in their propaganda but frankly have been considerably more civil. They haven't juxtaposed the names of conservative faculty with references to excrement. But everyone is calling everybody else a racist and acusing eachother of "hate speech." I have no part to play in any of this and my interest is purely that of a spectator. I find it facinating that these a exceptionally charged political issues and yet the big players in this little drama have no real understanding of political workings. Especially in this case the conservatives (and i'm not saying that as a partisan. The liberals show an equal amount of idiocy when they gather to ineffectually "protest" whatever outrage of the week takes their fancy). These conservatives are almost entierly I'm sure comprised of business majors - flush with the certainty that in capitalism lies the secret of all morality, including christian morality. A conservative student of politics wouldn't be so stupid.
Anyway, this whole drama is asinine. It was mildly amusing at first when Jim Gilchrist came to the school wearing a flak jacket as if some wild-eyed, demented art history student were fgoing to shoot him. But now it's just getting tiresome. I'm sick of seeing barely coherant anti-liberal diatribes, full of misunderstandings and half-truths. I want to graduate, get to law school and hopefully leave these angry proto-apes far behind me...until the GOP elects them to congress.
Things have been fun in the new house. We have an amazing amount of room and pay comparativily very little. The median price for our level home is about $2400 a month. We pay $1700. We are resplendent with musical instuments, have a fairly good (if improvised) entertainment system and are in a really fun neighborhood; definetely urban but not too chaotic. HB - where we are are at least - is pretty laid back and very diverse. People should come visit us, especially after this semester ends in a couple of weeks. So come by, we'd love to have you.
Okay, time to work. Everybody wish Rob (
lefter ) a "get well soon." He wacked his head on a hunk of metal in a submarine and suffered a concussion.