
Apr 07, 2007 20:14

also, one more thing. FUNNIEST snarkastic reply EVAR.

This was mallozzi's response to the dork's who apparently think that the April Fool's Joke had some merit... earlier in his post, he responded to a question about how the writers and producers could think that the show would hold when they kept removing all the main characters, and he said something about sentient gorillas with the voices played by the core cast. then a question popped up about McKay's alleged death (um, hello people? AprilFool?) and this was his answer...

Answer: Well, he dies in Adrift and is replaced by a robot McKay who is in turn killed and replaced by a Rodney McKay from the future - but he is killed as well and finally, in Lifelife, is replaced by AU Rod from last year’s McKay and Mrs. Miller. He too dies in Lifeline but is resurrected by Teyla making use of the Ancient evolution machine from Tao of Rodney. So on the one hand we have AU Rod alive and on the team but on the other hand we have an ascended Teyla who has lost corporeal form - which is kind of cool as it allows her fly around and through walls, gaining access to enemy headquarters and such. UNTIL - the wraith find their own Ancient evolution machine and the wraith queen evolves herself to an ascended being and descends Teyla. The ascended wraith team kills Sheppard and AU Rodney, not counting on the fact that they too will ascend and, teaming up two against one, descend the wraith queen. Then, they destroy the wraith’s ascendometer. The Ancients grow disillusioned with the abuse of ascendly power and descend Sheppard and AU Rod - but not in their original forms - remember what I said about sentient gorillas, right? Then they destroy their ascendometer so that Atlantis will never make use of it again. Which prompts some other Ancients, annoyed at their interfering in human affairs, to descend these ancients who will appear as goldfish in Dr. Keller’s lab in episodes #3-#12 until a drunken Zelenka, staggering home from an after-op party, will stumble into their fishbowl home, knock it off Keller’s desk, and shatter it into a million pieces. The descended Ancients will die a horrible suffocating death reserved for earthly fish (or “Fishes” as Jonas used to say) but there will be no one around to ascend them. Zelenka will have no memory of the event and be so hung over that he’ll wish he could ascend. No dice. Gorilla Sheppard and AU Rod, meanwhile, will continue to contribute as keys members of the team - until they return to Earth at the end of season four to receive a special commendation - only to be shot by poachers. Cliffhanger!

amused, mallozzi

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