[pulls hair out]

Apr 07, 2007 18:50

Alright, honestly? I'm getting sick and tired of all the complaining people are doing about season 4 of Atlantis. GET OVER YOURSELVES. Wait for season 4 to come out, watch the first couple episodes and then decide if you want to keep watching or not.

In the meantime? You have no clue how the episodes are working out, you have no clue how heavily Sam's role will play, how much of Weir we're going to lose, or whatever. Stop jumping to conclusions about how "Well of course Teyla will be the next one to be killed off." Get over Carson.

Okay, so I sound callous... you know what? IT'S A TV SHOW. THESE PEOPLE DO NOT REALLY EXIST.

The show's main focus has not changed - Sheppard's team. CENTRAL CHARACTERS. Everyone else? SECONDARY. What does this mean? It means the show isn't changing that much, just the periphery.

Grow up, stop complaining, stop bombarding Mallozzi's blog with this juvenile bullshit, and get the fuck over yourselves.

And, that's all I'm going to say on this matter.

In the meantime, my latest answered question by Mallozzi, haha:

Someday Scientist writes: “Why has Rodney never mentioned Timmy's or RRoll up the RRim?! The guys' Canadian, and he loves Coffee - surely he mustn't have forsaken the great old Canadian tradition! Is it trademark issues?”

Answer: I’m not a coffee guy so I never considered it. But now that you mention it, it would be kind of cool to have a Tim Hortons on the base.

stupid people

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