Su, and I hooked up again, this time with the company of Ken. Ken is another high school friend that graduated in the class after Su and me. He rocks, but he needs to get a livejournal so I can keep up with his life.
Anyhoo, we all went to The Melting Pot, as Chris did not get to go last time I was in Atlanta, so he got to have his fondue cherry popped. We sat at a table with two burners so that we could try different courses of fondue. Chris and I started off with a cheese fondue that was blue cheese and something else with some wine and sherry. After our salads, we then moved on to the main course, an assortment of meats (duck, steak, shrimp, chicken) cooked in a spiced broth with a citrus tinge. We had tons of sauced to dip them in, most of which were yummy, or interesting at least. We finished with some chocolate fondue that had Irish Cream flavoring. It was delish! I'm going to have to go back just to try all the different chocolate flavors they have.
The whole meal took 3 hours to get through, and it was an awesome experience.
Chris and I
Su and Ken
I, Su, & Ken