Aug 01, 2002 01:48
I have not been keeping up with my friends' journals. So much has happened and is about to happen.
In less than a month, I must do the following:
Tell my employer that I can no longer work full time, hoping they'll allow me to work part time while still receiving benefits.
Precisely plan my finances to the penny.
Wrap up the end of my Engineering Physics II class, involving studying for a comprehensive final and handing in a writeup of all the labs.
Workout a time schedule that works with my job, class, studytime, and Chris's school schedule.
Shop for new shoes, as all mine are falling apart.
Petition for grants, based on the fact that my income will be severely diminished.
Learn Java.
Study up on my Latin vocabulary.
Take my nifty red and black leather boots to the shoe hospital to be fixed.
Stay sane.