Invictus Chapter 53/59

Nov 29, 2012 07:42

NoG to read: 54

Severus Snape was not a man who scared easily. Years of acting as a spy and watching who lived and died had taught him that fear made one stupid, brash. When research in psychology had suggested that the reaction of the body caused fear in the mind, he’d spent years training himself not to feel fear. He could force his heart to slow and his skin not to flush. He could keep his voice even - low - and his eyes steady. Sometimes he didn’t feel the fear until later, when he was alone, safe, and it came in a rush, nearly overwhelming him to the point where he had to sink to the floor and breathe, just breathe, because he couldn’t do anything else. That hadn’t happened for a while now. Not since Harry had run straight into the Dark Lord’s trap in an attempt to save Black. After Harry had been captured, he’d been worried, nervous, and occasionally panicked, but never afraid. Never entirely out of control of his body. Never rooted, unable to think, act, speak.

Until he returned to the kitchen after chaining Harry in place and found Harry gone.

For a moment he froze, his eyes fixed on the spot where Harry had been as if the boy could re-materialize any second. Gone, echoed stupidly around his head. Gone. How? Where? Who?

And then the rush of cold, the tightening in his gut. Harry would be killed. He’d failed. He’d be killed before he could be certain that Harry would be safe. He’d been so close yet utterly failed. Harry would die and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Something moved behind him and he had his wand out, turning, the Killing Curse forming on his lips.


Somehow he managed to fire off a Stupefy.

Harry rolled out of the way.

Harry knew how to dodge spells. He couldn’t be caught. He’d run and they’d capture and kill him. They’d torture him to death and Severus wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop them. He’d have to stand there and watch whilst they tore him apart. “Potter!” His authority was all he had left. “What do you think you are doing?”

Harry froze and grinned. “I was just training you.”

Grabbing Harry’s arm, Severus yanked him to his feet, pushing him back against the counter to pin him in place.

“You’re going to hurt me!” whinged Harry, steadying himself.

“I should,” hissed Severus, his heart trying to jump out of his chest, the blood still drained from his head. He smacked Harry. “Why can’t you think? What if I’d had an unexpected visitor with me?” Harry could have been killed in that moment. Why couldn’t Harry think? He’d get them both killed! His hand flew in again but Harry knocked it back, his body tensing, coiling, ready for attack. Grabbing the chain with one hand and Harry’s neck with the other, Severus pinned him in place.

Trying to escape, Harry stubbornly said, “You wouldn't have just led them in here without warning me. You'd have found some way to let me know.”

“What if I’d killed you?” He nearly had. He could never forgive himself.

“You couldn’t have,” said Harry, his lips betraying his amusement. “You’ve trained me too well. See how I dodged that Stupefy?” He was proud. He’d probably enjoyed it.

Severus wanted to wipe that proud smirk off his face. He smacked Harry again. “You stupid-” And again. “-arrogant-” Again. “-childish-” Again.

“Stop it!” Harry shoved Severus away with surprising strength. Quickly, before he could get into a better position for attack, Severus spun him around and bent him over the counter. Harry kicked back with his legs, but Severus deftly avoided them, moving between them to hold Harry in place.

“Move again,” he warned, “and you’ll regret it.”

“Hurt me,” retorted Harry, “and you’ll regret it.”

Oh, he enjoyed driving Severus mad! “You insufferable child. Do you really think I need to hurt you to punish you.”

“No,” said Harry calmly, “but do you really think you can do what the Dursleys couldn’t? Have Voldemort’s punishments ever made you treat him with respect or anything other than false obedience?”

The Dursleys had been brutes, animals, but if Harry had been discovered outside of his cage unguarded, he’d have been killed that instant. If Harry acted this brash again, he’d never survive. Still, he was right. Severus shouldn’t have used his fists instead of his words. After all, he’d never respected his father, had he? He’d sworn he’d never hit someone he loved, yet look what he’d done. He became more like his father every day. It was better that he left Harry’s life. He was broken, damaged, and with Harry’s abusive upbringing, the exact sort of person who would ruin him. He knew enough psychology to know Harry’s affections were not entirely natural or healthy - Stockholm syndrome and codependence - but not enough to know the extent of the damage he’d done.

He didn’t know what scared him more - that he could hit Harry in anger, or that Harry would likely forgive him for it. Relaxing his grip, forcing himself to calm, Severus said, “I suppose you think I should just allow you to do whatever you want, no matter how stupid your actions are. You-”

“No,” interrupted Harry. “I think you should tell me what I'm doing wrong instead of trying to beat me into submission. Look, I'm sorry I moved. I wasn't trying to run away or anything. If I thought for even a second that someone else had stepped in the house, I would've returned to the chair.”

His heart hammering, his head swimming, Severus released Harry, taking several steps back. “This is exactly why you should stay here instead of trying to hunt for the Horcrux yourself. You have no sense of self-preservation and constantly behave in the most infantile manner. You'd get yourself killed before you reached the edge of the wards. There are times for playing games and this is not one of them. You will never, ever do that again. When I chain you somewhere, you will stay there. For whose protection do you think I use the chains?”

“Mine,” sighed Harry, aggression draining from him. “I won’t do it again. I’m sorry.”

Forcing his heart rate to slow, Severus examined the chain. Had Harry somehow gained control of his magic? “How did you escape from the table?”

“I pushed it up.”

“You pushed up the table?” Harry had got considerably stronger, but he was still more skinny than muscular, and the table wasn’t remotely lightweight.

“I lay down on my back and pushed up the table. I didn’t move it much, but I only needed to lift it enough to slide the ring under the leg.”

Clever. It was a shame he hadn’t used that cleverness on more practical pursuits. Leading Harry to the practice room, Severus asked, “Will you behave for the rest of the day?”

“Yes,” said Harry contritely. “You know I’ll train as best I can. Let me prove it to you.”

Severus had filled the room with furniture transfigured into large black boxes. He’d scattered them about to leave trails between them, but left them low enough that Harry could climb on top of them if he wished. “The objective of this contest is to steal your opponent’s wand - or rather, the replica thereof,” said Severus as he withdrew a fake wand from his robes along with his own wand. He handed the fake wand to Harry who grinned manically, as if the stick of wood had been full of magic.

Freeing Harry from his chain, Severus said, “To make the challenge even more difficult, I have placed wards around the room. Trigger them and I will know exactly where you are.”

Harry frowned. “That's not fair to me. You’ll win for sure.”

“I’ll blind myself,” offered Severus. “Obscuro. When I say, now, count to twenty and then the contest will begin. You must remain in this room. If you try to leave, I shall know. Do you understand?”

“Yep. I gotta grab your wand or stop you from grabbing mine. No leaving the room, and you've stuck wards everywhere.”

“Now.” Severus dimmed the lights, listening as Harry ran off. He counted to twenty, and then took off in the direction Harry had probably gone when trying to throw Severus off his trail. By building the obstacle course, Severus had a distinct advantage, but Harry was clever and would soon figure out that he could climb on top of the boxes as well, an option Severus denied to himself. He paused in a corner where the shadows would hide him well, and switched his wand for the Elder Wand, which he’d hidden in a wooden sheath.

Moving slowly about the room, Severus listened for signs of Harry. Nothing. He could use magic, but that would lessen the fun. Early on in his capture, Harry probably would’ve attacked Severus straight away, but he’d learnt a lot. Now he hunted just as well as he evaded.

He almost missed the attack. It came suddenly, swiftly. Only a single step gave it away. Unable to judge how close Harry was, Severus knocked a block into the path, only to hear Harry fall, smacking into it. Guarding his own wand, Severus groped for Harry’s only to find an empty surface. As he felt around the area, on guard for a second attack, a ward went off a few rows over. Harry had run.

Heading in the direction Harry had mostly likely gone once he’d triggered the ward, Severus walked slowly, hoping to hear Harry’s footsteps again. Nothing. Had he already taken to the boxes? They weren’t exactly stable and Severus brushed his fingers against them, hoping to feel Harry’s movements. Nothing.

He walked through the maze again.

Where had Harry gone? Severus had placed wards around the edges of the room, so Harry couldn’t have left it. Had he hidden in one of the little offshoots of the maze, waiting until Severus passed right beside him?

Severus walked around again. He’d nearly made it to the end when a soft thud announced Harry’s feet hitting the carpet. Harry grabbed his wand but, unwilling to give up that easily, Severus closed his own hand around both their wands, holding them tightly.

“Finite Incantatem.” The room brightened as the spell left his eyes. Harry stood before him, a stubborn look on his face, his hand still clutching their wands. “A tie,” said Severus.

“No way,” said Harry. “I got you first!”

“You attacked first, but you endangered your own wand in the attack.” Harry’s grip loosened and Severus returned the fake bit of wood to his robes. He used the Elder wand to restore the room to normal. Just as he thought, he still mastered it. “I closed my fingers around your wand just as you closed yours around mine.”

Harry made a noise of disappointment before asking, “What are we going to do for the sex since we tied?”

Severus had forgotten about entirely that. “We simply take turns.” A chance to suck Harry off and fuck him? He’d love it.

“No.” Harry shook his head. “How will we decide who gets to go first? What we'll do is this: You can fuck me, but I get to pick where and in which position.”

Severus didn’t trust that grin. “You already have a location in mind.”

“The Dark Lord’s throne,” said Harry, his grin exploding.

“Absolutely not.”

“Why not?” taunted Harry. “Are you scared?”

“If you are going to be childish-”

“It’s not childish,” Harry argued, glaring. “Fine, we'll do it in that chair.” He pointed to a plush recliner. “But I get to pick the position and you can’t touch me.”

How in the bloody hell would that work. “You idiot, how am I supposed to fuck you if I can't touch you?”

“With your hands!” Harry said, waving his for emphasis. “You can’t touch me with your hands!”

He much preferred his idea, but once Harry grabbed hold of an idea, he clung to it stubbornly. Besides, the more agreeable he was to Harry in the bedroom, the more enthusiasm Harry showed. If he let Harry have his way now, who knew what he’d agree to in the future? “Fine.”

“All right, take off your clothes.” Harry yanked his own off.

“No.” Not unless he absolutely had to.

“Oh, come on! You have to take off your clothes!”

Severus crossed his arms. “If you won’t let me touch you, then I’m not removing anything that isn’t necessary.”

Harry glared. “Why does it matter to you if you touch me or not?”

“Because if I let you control it, you will work yourself to climax far too quickly for me to bother undressing.”

Harry crossed his arms. “I will not.”

Was he willing to try to prove that? This could be interesting. “Shall we have a contest then? We will practise frottage and the first one to reach climax must agree to the rules of the other.” He knew he’d win and Harry did too, but he was too stubborn to admit it.

His green eyes slits, Harry stood there, torn by his pride and weakness. After several seconds of glaring, he finally relented, “Only for the clothes. If you win, you get to keep them on, if I win, you have to take them off."

“Very well.” Just what he wanted. Sweeping over to the recliner, Severus stood his seat and pulled out his cock. “Come here.”

Harry approached him, his cock stirring. “Shouldn’t we do this on the floor or something?”

Reaching forward, Severus clasped Harry’s wrist and pulled him onto the chair. “You suggested the chair, now straddle my legs.”

Harry obeyed, pressed his rapidly hardening prick against Severus’s. He tried to pull his hand out of Severus’s grip when Severus, knowing what he planned to do, stopped him. “No manual manipulation,” he insisted before releasing Harry’s hand and snatching the glasses from Harry’s nose. He wanted to watch Harry’s face when he came.

When Harry set his mind to something, he put everything he had into it. Determination furrowed his brow as he wiggled his hips, testing out various positions as if he were trying to determine the best way to cast a spell instead of get them both off. He bit his lower lip, the plump flesh caught between his teeth. Severus resisted the urge to kiss it, to run his hands over the body softly undulating against him. He wanted to pluck the tight nipples and nibble on the soft earlobes. He wanted to pet those strong thighs and rub his thumb over the tight pucker until Harry was gasping and begging, his hips thrusting as he pleaded for more, more...

His eyes closing, Harry ground his pelvis down against Severus’s body, his body tight and tense as he thrust in short jabs of his hips. A moan rose from deep in his throat, his skin flush. He was close already.

“Are you even trying to control yourself?” Severus asked him. “Where’s your discipline?”

“Piss off, Snape,” he growled, grabbing Severus’s shoulders with tight claws. He thrust harder, faster, his face twisted as if in pain. A low groan announced his orgasm, and his come soon followed, coating Severus’s cock in warm strands. Still clutching Severus’s shoulders, his hips slowed. His face relaxed and he made a noise like a happy cat full of cream.

Holding a hand out to the side, Severus called, “Accio lubricant!” and it flew to him from the bedroom. Eagerly, he pressed it into Harry’s hands.

Harry took it and opened it as if he wanted to hurry to the next step. His fingers slowed when he gripped Severus’s hard cock. He coated it lovingly and thoroughly, as if afraid that missing any skin would give him pain. Severus did his best to pretend to be unaffected, but he couldn’t last, especially not when Harry teased his balls.

Rising up, Harry reached back behind himself. He had an odd look of concentration on his face as he fingered his arse, as if he were testing a potion rather than the resistance of his body. “Right,” said Harry, once he’d judged himself ready. “Hands on the arm-rests.”

Severus obeyed. Harry, placing his hands on top of Severus’s arms, slowly lowered himself until the head of Severus’s cock touched his cheeks. He wiggled around until his tight pucker came to rest on the head.

“I don’t know if I’m stretched enough,” he teased. “Maybe I need some more lube.”

As much as Severus just wanted to slam into him, Harry would use any rule breaking for an opportunity to tease and punish him. Unwilling to let Harry have control when he’d recently come, Severus forced himself to remain stationary. “Then use it, you stupid fool.”

“Nah,” Harry answered cheekily. “I’ll just go real slow.” Slowly he pushed down, his tight hole slicked with lube, slowly opening for Severus’s cock. He felt so good, so hot, Severus just wanted to plunge into him again and again. He held out for several minutes before his resolve broke and he thrust up hard, burying himself completely.

“Don’t move,” insisted Harry, pressing down, clenching tight around Severus. He shifted slightly, but didn’t move.

He would tease for hours if Severus let him. “Potter! Move your sodding hips or I’ll-”

Harry obeyed, but he lifted his hips when Severus thrust up, preventing Severus from thrusting deep inside of him. Severus tried going harder, faster, but Harry matched his strokes. Knowing that Harry wouldn’t willingly give in until he’d had his fill of fun, Severus said, “Feet up. Put your feet up on the arm-rests.”

Thankfully, Harry put his feet up on the arm-rests. The change in angle allowed Severus to plunge into Harry’s arse, filling him completely.

“Fuck,” Harry gasped, pushing back to meet Severus’s thrusts. Releasing Severus’s hands, he splayed out on Severus’s chest, his body radiating heat, even through Severus’s robes. His head fell back on Severus’s shoulder, his messy hair tickling Severus’s chin. He smelled so good, of sex and power. Grabbing Harry’s legs, Severus slowed down his strokes to savour the feel of fucking Harry.

Impatient, Harry requested, “Go faster.”

He wanted to see him come again. “Get up and turn around,” he said, helping Harry move into position.

Harry rose up off Severus’s dick, turning, but remaining near the edge of the chair, as if he didn’t remember how their bodies needed to fit together for this to work. “Come here,” Severus said, grasping Harry’s hips and guiding him forward. He expected Harry to hold himself rigidly; instead, Harry relaxed into his grasp and fell forward, knocking their heads together.

“Watch it!” said Harry as he sat back up. “No do-overs, remember?”

“Do you need anything?” Severus pushed back the messy fringe to examine Harry’s forehead.

“I’m fine,” said Harry, shoving Severus’s hands away. “This chair needs to be wider.”

Summoning his wand, Severus doubled the chair’s width. “Wide enough?”

Harry grinned, his eyes half-lidded as he gazed down at Severus with a mixture of amusement and admiration. “Show off.” Reaching down between his legs, he grabbed Severus’s cock, sending a pulse of electricity throughout Severus’s body. “When I get my magic back, I’ll show you a trick or two.” He guided Severus’s cock to his pucker, but left it there, as if he intended to go through another round of erotic torture.

“You would’ve destroyed the chair,” teased Severus. He threw his wand to the side and grabbed Harry’s waist, thrusting up as he pushed Harry down.

“Nn,” moaned Harry, pink searing his face as his mouth dropped open. He clutched Severus’s shoulders and fucked himself, his full prick bobbing eagerly. “Better. Much better.”

He looked amazing: so licentious and eager, his muscles tight and powerful beneath that hot, soft skin as his body eagerly swallowed Severus’s cock. Unable to resist, Severus ran his hands up Harry’s back, admiring how the sinewy torso felt beneath his hands. Needing to taste that perfect flesh, he pulled Harry against him, darting his tongue out to sample the slightly salty flesh. He couldn’t resist lightly biting the flesh of Harry’s neck, feeling how his body shuddered against him. Harry tilted back his head, offering an expanse of pure, unmarred skin.

I want you. I want you completely.

He licked his way up Harry’s neck, savouring the smell of his arousal, that overwhelming mix of salt and sex. If he could bottle up a scent, it would be this, where Harry was at his strongest yet fully exposed, unguarded without being weak.

Panting softly, his hips working rhythmically, Harry bent forward, capturing Severus’s lips in a demanding kiss. His teeth sank into Severus’s lower lip, the pain mixing with his pleasure, heightening it, sharpening it.

Severus released a groan and Harry, his eyes fierce, bit harder as if trying to brand Severus. Copper filled his mouth and Harry released his lip, leaning back with a guilty look on his face as he stared at Severus’s lip.

Don’t stop. Severus grasped Harry’s hips and pounded into him. Hurt me if you must, but don’t stop.

He’d hoped to last, to wait until Harry came again, but Harry’s eyes flew open at his demanding pace and a soft noise, nearly a purr escaped his throat. His pleasure ignited Severus’s self-restraint, burning it away until he could nothing but cling to Harry and come. For the first time ever with a partner, he let himself go completely, closing his eyes and savouring the sweet feel of total release. This was what he’d always wanted, although he couldn’t have articulated it before this moment. To bind himself so completely to another that his core - his true self - shone, bolstered by the knowledge that Harry, at least in this moment, wanted him.

When he opened his eyes, Harry looked at him oddly, as if he cognizant of the fact that he’d just glimpsed Severus’s soul, but wasn’t sure how to process it. To distract him, Severus pulled Harry against him and sucked on one hard nub while his hands closed around Harry’s wet prick.

Savouring the taste and feel of him, he wanked him slowly.

Trembling as he neared orgasm, but limp as though Severus’s orgasm had exhausted him, Harry’s fingers curled in Severus’s hair, his grip loose for once.

When Severus tightened his grip, Harry pulled back and pushed Severus’s head up. Closing his eyes, he flickered the tongue over Severus’s bitten lip as if he were afraid of the damage a kiss would cause. Severus darted out his own to reassure Harry and was rewarded with a breathless kiss. Harry kissed with both demand and hesitation, as if he knew what he wanted, but feared it wouldn’t be granted.

With his fingers tight and his body tense, Severus knew he couldn’t last long, so he gave release. Harry moaned into Severus’s mouth as he came, his lips open and his eyes closed, his entire body trembling as his dick pulsed. Entranced, Severus watched his face shift, his features relaxing. When he’d fully emptied himself, he took a deep breath and sat back, opening his eyes.

Harry grinned mischievously, the kind of smile that Severus would take the Cruciatus to see again. “That was much better than taking turns, wasn’t it?”

“I never thought you’d turn down fellatio,” teased Severus as he brushed away a part of Harry’s fringe that threatened to fall in his eyes. “I’ll need to cut this mess soon.”

Harry’s hands slid down to Severus’s shoulders. “I’ve been thinking about growing it out again,” he said, shaking his hair wildly. “It makes me look older.”

“Younger,” Severus corrected him. “The only way you'd look older with long hair is if you grew a beard to match it. Which reminds me.” Grabbing his hand, he cast the shaving spell over Harry’s chin.

“I’ll be so glad once I can shave my own face again,” said Harry.

Severus needed a shower. He hated having sex fully clothed. Cleaning them both of sweat and semen, he slipped his wand back in his robes.

“Does it hurt?” asked Harry, his fingertips lightly touching Severus’s lower lip.

He hadn’t even thought about it; the pain nothing compared to what the Dark Lord regularly dealt. Pushing Harry off him, he said, “You’ll have to try harder than that.”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” said Harry, worry tinging his voice.

Severus teased, “You think this hurts me? I’ve had girls bite me harder.”

It didn’t have the reaction he’d expected. Rather than defend his manhood or tease back, Harry pressed his lips thin and turned away, looking on the floor for his glasses.

Not sure what about his comment drew Harry’s distaste, Severus said, “Perhaps a shower is in order,” as he stood up and strode towards his room.

“Yeah.” Harry followed him into the bathroom. Severus had him shower first, then chained Harry to the towel rack to take his own shower. Although he’d got used to being naked around Harry during sex, being so vulnerable with an unoccupied Harry didn’t appeal to him in the slightest. Even if Harry had been bisexual, Severus was far from an ideal male partner.

He’d intended to head to his lab, but when Harry asked, “Will I cook dinner too?” he couldn’t think of a good reason for why he needed to leave Harry just yet. The clone had been finished, the Dark Lord hadn’t given him any new projects, and it wouldn't take him long to write up what potions could and could not be used on the clone.. Better that he spent time with Harry when he could.

Chapter 54

invictus - fic

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