today's plans got changed due to someone else's physical situation. okay, maybe, hopefully we can make it happen tomorrow.
other than that im trying to get health stuff taken care of, which i'd been putting off, as it's a lot of research/hassle/coordinating. still not done, but i just finished a sidetrack [but related!] thing in that i signed up for [connected w my health insurance but i think free to anyone anyhow] and it's amusing me. the username tigerface [which i chose semi randomly as i thought for sure it would not be used] was taken, which makes me laugh.
hopefully it can get me to be more diligent/motivated to keep doing various self care things every day and not just a few times a week.
i'd really like to see more consistent changes...and thus being more consistent seems like a good start :P but for some reason has often been a stumbling block for me, for as long as i can recall. im really good for awhile, but then run out of steam
one of the missions this program has given me is to be consciously, specifically grateful each day--this is something i've put on my to do list on and off for years, but never really got the hang of keeping up with it.
right this very moment i'm grateful for health insurance and a steady income. and the pretty silver dress i got last week. the lovely fall weather we are having just today [and maybe thursday].
i likely will not always publish these kinds of things, and i do feel it makes me edit myself more than i want to for this purpose. but perhaps i'll publish parts of them, that feels right-ish.
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