after quite a lot of caffeine [i'd cut back for the last 4-5 days or so] and an intense workout, Im feeling much better [i'd also taken a break for 3 days from the gym, for various reasons]. Funny how that works.
In the past I've always tried to not be addicted to caffeine, but I guess I've just given up on that noble goal. Blah :P Ah well, at least it's legal?
Hoping to do another round of tomato processing today, if the stars align themselves properly...
Other than that, need to do more laundry and house cleaning [sigh], and hopefully find energy and time to study Thai and process photos.
Wish me luck and motivation ;)
I still owe people information on oils and vitamins. Really will try to get that written up today. It should not take long, I'm not even sure why it's been such a mental block for me. I also owe someone an attempt at some thoughts on how to meet people in berkeley springs. And I owe myself a bit of free thinking regarding immortal will I've been trying to put into words lately, inspired by someone who often encourages my brain to go off in spiralizing tangents that I enjoy just by putting some of her thoughts out into the ether. <3
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