Jan 20, 2008 17:32
Remember those days when you could just write and write and write.
It's like as I get older, i'm afraid that i'll later be embarassed by my life today. If I write what happened in a journal, I'll laugh at it tomorrow and be ashamed of my emotions.
It didn't used to be that way.
Hell no! It used to be simple.
Today I like Bob Simpleton.
Bob stuck his tongue out at me. I don't like him anymore.
I broke my sucker in class today, Cindy Easystreet gave me another. She's my best friend.
it used to be simple, I had a good day, or a bad day and that was that.
I never had a mediocre day, I never had a confusing day. It was either i dropped my barbie doll in the toilet, or I met a new friend.
Remember when you could just say hello to anyone, and when you smiled at a stranger you felt like a bigger part of the world?
Remember when the stars and the city lights seemed the same size, and in your mind, reaching the stars was as easy as driving into the city?
Remember when you knew exactly who you were and you didn't have to put it in terms. I'm me, and that's that. Remember when what band you liked or what clothes you wore didn't matter, you could have green hair, purple hair, no hair at all, and if you smiled, we were all friends. Remember staying up till Ten and feeling like a rebel? It was a Saturday night and you stayed up 'all night' talking about beanie babies and G.I. Joes.
Remember when your heart was an open book? When you could cry in public and just let your tears fall? When you could write and write and write and your emotions were just yours, and there was never anything to be afraid of?
Remember writting poetry about heartbreak, when you didn't know what that ment? Remember laughing at jokes you didn't care if you understood, when you laughed because it was fun to see others giggle too?
When did I lose myself?