Fiber Update - Dyeing

Nov 20, 2008 21:05

So in expectation of a spinning challenge that asks for Romney, I am dyeing up the Romney I got at the Puyallup Spring fair about 4 years ago. Its been sitting in its lanolin and hay for that long. Bad me.

I THOUGHT it was mostly brown and had visions of dyeing some up a nice red and then carding it all together, but after pulling it apart to take the large chunks of hay out of it before scouring (washing) I discovered that only the tips are brown and the rest is grey. So I dyed a batch of brown as well. The finished carded product should be a nice mix of red, brown and grey.

I'm also debuting my new crockpot. Its an 8 qt divided pot. I had this epiphany that it would make awesome varigated/striped yarn/roving in one pot so I snagged it for the steal of $25. The same place has an undivided 7 qt pot for $19 that I may go back for. Though Im not sure where Im going to store three craft crockpots. At either rate, Im a happy dyer.

Grey and Brown Romney

Romney scouring (washing) before dyeing. Getting a lot of the dirt and lanolin out.

Romney dyed red and brown

Romney in a brown dye bath

dyeing, fiber

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