Jul 22, 2012 03:04
Okay, so I don't think I'm letting out any spoilers, but if you're super paranoid, this is your warning. I'll be talking about Merlin S5 trailer, Prometheus, and Suits.
So Merlin S5 trailer. It sort of... didn't do anything for me. I don't think the reveal is happening, but then I don't think I care anymore, either. The emotion has sort of dried out. Cute boys will be cute. That should be enough, right?
Saw Prometheus today. Um... what the hell was that? O.o The word I was thinking about a lot during the film was 'pointless.' Most of the characters, the premise, the plot itself... Reminded me a bit of that old line: 'Two crocodiles were flying, one on Friday, and the other to the North West.' As logical as it gets, I guess. Remind me to not complain about ST Reboot plot holes again... I also had this weird impression that it all looked a bit like little Lego figures in action. On the plus side, Michael Fassbender has the most awesome 'see how many ways to kill you I know, you inferior human' smirk out there. That's the thing, though, I could have happily watched David going about his routine the whole film through, instead of ... well, whatever it was supposed to be.
On a bit of an unrelated note, I hate that no one around here cares to watch out for film ratings in regards to children. There was a 7-year-old girl sitting next to me. They sell tickets to her parents, they let her in. The idiot parents who brought their child to a film like that I don't want to even talk about. They think if she turns away during sex scenes, all is fine. I had to look away a few times from all the alien gore and whatnot. I mean, for God's sake, it's Ridley Scott, not Disney. What people are thinking I have no idea, and it happens ALL THE TIME. Nobody cares. Grr.
There was also a new episode of Suits. There's now a #savedonna tag on Twitter. Pretty much says it all.
i trawl twitter,
not writing,
i watch things,
episode review,
spoiler alert