There were developments on the family front, and I think they made me a bit... float-y. Not in a good way, just in a confused zero-gravity way. Sorry if I was a bit absent.
While eating my feelings, I watched Firefly that I haven't seen before and am now left puzzled as to why the fuck it was canceled. I actually read the official reviews and found the reviewers stupid. But I guess glorifying smugglers on national television was a bit too much for some. Meh. I immediately started thinking about writing a Firefly/XMFC fusion, but I'm going to make a wild guess that there's a ton of that stuff out there already, I just haven't found it yet, because it's begging for it too much. If you can point me in that direction, btw, I'll love you more than I likely do already. ;)
On that note, I only managed to read one fic from xmenreversebang so far, and it's so good to know that more treasures are out there. This fic here, though: [XMFC rec] The Butcher of Lowtown; a Tale from the Early History of Adaptives (42186 words) by Pookaseraph Fandom: X-Men: First Class (2011) Summary: Erik Lehnsherr has been on the trail of Herr Doktor Klaus Schmidt his entire adult life. He thinks he has finally found a lead in the person of one Doctor Charles Xavier: man of business and science, airship mogul, and expert on the adaptives who have started to proliferate in the last few dozen years. What he never expected was to find Dr. Xavier is also a philanthropist and a mutant. Together they must confront Erik's past and also face whatever emotional entanglement has started to form between him and the good Doctor.
-- is lovely, incredibly atmospheric, has great characterizations, and wonderful language. Also, I enjoy a lot of Suits fics by that author.
And of course I just read this darling here: [Merlin insta rec] The Practice Boyfriend (24494 words) by giselleslash Fandom: Merlin (TV) Summary: Merlin’s been in love with Lance for years, but he hasn’t had much experience dating and he wants to figure out the ins and outs of dating before Lance comes back into his life. Cue Arthur and his manwhoring ways, ready and willing to show Merlin the ropes.
My thoughts are basically this: if you want something as a substitute so that you could cut your sugar intake, this is the best thing. It will give you sugar coma without the harm part! Isn't that wonderful? :D
My own writing has been slow as molasses, I'm afraid. My muse seems to be on vacation. Silly thing. :(