I miss Merlin

Jun 18, 2012 14:10

Not the show itself, I think, although it's nice to know that there'll be more to see. But we all know why watching the later series is a bit painful, to put it mildly, so yeah, not watching itself, I guess.

I've been reading marguerite_26's The Ugly Duckling Syndrome (which is excellent and you should all go read it, I know it's a WIP, but come on, guys, it's Maggie, and besides it's a Sabrina AU, people, SABRINA AU. What more do you need, really? :D) and it gave me such a fit of nostalgia. I have 367 links with Merlin stories bookmarked, and I think what I miss the most? Is the time when I haven't found them yet, haven't read them, and had all that to look forward to. It's a bit silly, I know, but there's something to be said for that.

The first story I ever read in Merlin was There's No Makebelieving. It's no longer available anywhere online, sadly, but it was amazing. I'll tell you excatly how amazing -- I read the story by accident, and then decided to watch the show that prompted it. The power of fanfiction for you. ;)

This has no point, really, except, everyone should go write more amazing, preferably epic-long stories? :D

random, why kiana, merlin, i'm in deep, fic (rec) love

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