About fandoms...

Jun 16, 2012 18:26

Because I seem to be encountering this question a few times a day lately.

No, I don't think I'll ever be an active part of the Avengers fandom. I don't think I'm capable of joining a fandom where a principle character is called Natasha Romanov. I'm sorry, but really. It's one thing to be enduring Mr. Chekov's charming accent, and quite another to see a woman say 'My name is Natasha Romanov, and I'm Russian' with a straight face. For one thing, it makes me want to laugh hysterically (as did the entire cinema when I went to see it, btw), for another, I can't help but wonder if we're still in the 60s and the Internet hasn't been invented yet. Never mind any kind of general knowledge, it seems to be non-existent every time I look.

Oh, I quite enjoyed the movie. Should there be more, I'd gladly watch with beer and popcorn and friends. I quite like watching Tony Stark interact with anyone, and Thor/Loki family squabbles are highly entertaining. There's a lot of eye candy to admire there, no question. XD I don't particularly enjoy this version of Loki as a mindless villain, but he IS my favorite in the entirety of the Norse mythology, so I'm quite partial to him.

Read/write for this fandom, though? I'm really sorry, it seems to be great fun, but I just don't think I can bring myself to it. :D I'm happy for all you guys enjoying it, though. Definitely seems like a place to be. ;)

/Jokes aside, I'm just not a fan of comic books or superhero verses in general. There are exceptions, but those have reasons. Before you ask, yes, Sir Patrick Stewart is a reason. As is James McAvoy. ;D Of course, casting alone wouldn't enable me to write, but that's another topic altogether.

In other words, GO AVENGERS! I'll happily cheer from the sidelines. ;)

not writing, why kiana, you've got to be kidding me

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