They get their energy by sucking it from me.

Feb 18, 2003 23:22

Dinner is done, the house resembles some form of clean, we have cookies for the week and bread too.

And I am exhausted.

Started out the days with snowball wars, which is fun, but you really have to think fast. I thought I was going to end up in jail a couple times, but managed to duck out at the last moment. We now have a new rule, Gokou came up with, which is if you get grazed, you can't fight for ten minutes, but you have to sit on the sidelines. That's considered "Going to the medic" and it actually makes sense.

So, for the first part of this morning, I was running around like crazy, then I go home and make breakfast. Snow problems were gone for today, so everyone goes off to work or school, except for BJ who has this week off. He was watching the little ones for me, until it was time for him to join Piper at the mall, which enabled me to get the house somewhat clean, but the problem was he seemed to wind them up, so they were running around at full tear from the moment he left, until just a bit ago when Raditz and I were finally able to get them off to sleep, each looking innnocent and angelic, clutching their Pizza Mice.

They could fool anyone except me.

DISCLAIMER TIME: I must state clearly that I adore my children. I really do. I love them with all my heart and soul and I would destroy anyone that tried to hurt them in any way, shape, or form. And, my biggest wish in this world is that they have a somewhat well adjusted mother so they can grow up to be well adjusted adults.

Having made that perfectly clear, can I now say that today was one of those days where you almost can understand why there are abused children in this world. My "perfect little angels" seemed to be bent on making sure Mommy had to count to ten every five seconds and catch her breath.

You know those cute commercials where the kid spills his/her juice on the floor and Mommy smiles with this "Aw, isn't he/she cute?" and grabs the one sheet of paper towel and mops up the floor? Well, we had an incident like that at our place today to start the morning off and I wasn't smiling so indulgently. I was in the living room picking up toys, when BJ yells, "JUICE! DAIKON WANTS JUICE!"

"Give Mommy a minute, sweetheart, she's fishing blocks out from under the couch!"

Well, the next thing I know it, I hear a thud and a very soft, "uh oh."

Soft "uh ohs" are very bad indeed. I run into the kitchen to find a gallon of orange juice spattered all over the floor. Helpful BB tried to get the juice himself, by opening the refrigerator and standing on tippy toes.

I think you can figure out the rest, right?

Well, when that bottle fell it just... exploded juice all over the kitchen. I'm not kidding, all the cabinets, all the countertops, the ceiling was splattered with orange juice.

So, I get the boys a glass of grape juice instead. As I hand it to BB he goes, "YUCKY! DAIKON WANTS ORANGE JUICE!"

Please note, Daikon was drinking the grape juice and grinning happily. But what do I know, right?

Well, I told them we didn't have any more orange juice, which of course brought about great bouts of shouting and crying. Meanwhile, I'm watching the orange juice start to dry into a sticky orange staining mess, so I finally herded the boys into the living room, put on the tape of The Lion King and go back into the kitchen.

So, I'm scrubbing the entire kitchen (which I had scrubbed earlier, mind you) to get rid of all traces of orange juice. I can handle that right? And it's nice and quiet so I can get my work done...

Wait a moment? Nice and quiet? No, this is wrong.

Go running into the living room, where BB and Daikon are sitting there, wrapped up in video tape. I'm not kidding. They took the tape out of the VCR, BB manages to break it open, and pull out the tape.

"Bardock Son, what are you doing?"

"Daikon wanted to see Simba!" BB tells me, with these big, round, eyes. "Simba in the box! But Simba musta 'scaped!"

"And this was all Daikon's idea?"

He frowned for a minute, then shook his head. "Mine too."

So, another mess to clean up, not to mention the grape juice one of them managed to spill on the carpet. While I'm picking up the living room, BB shouts, "DAIKON THIRSTY!"

"Give me just a second," I call out.

Well, less than a minute later, I swear, both BB and Daikon come running in and Daikon is holding a little dixie cup from the bathroom.

Well, neither of them can reach the sink or the dixie cup dispenser, so Mommyradar starts going off. "Uh, what's in the cup, BB?"

"Jus' water."

"Where did you get the cup, BB?" I'm keeping a careful eye on Daikon too, making sure he isn't drinking it.

"In th'trash can."

I'm making my move to Daikon, not moving too fast, because if I do, that will be his signal to guzzel it. "Ah, well, isn't that interesting. Uh, BB, where did you get the water?"

"Inna toilet!"

Oh screw it, I take the flying leap across the room, snatching the cup out of Daikon's hands, just as he's about ready to bring it to his lips (we can only pray for the first time) which is of course Daikon's signal to begin sobbing like I just took away his greatest treasure. "BB, you DO NOT GIVE YOUR BROTHER WATER OUT OF THE TOILET!"

"Why? Thor drink outa toilet. It's just water!"

"Do YOU want to drink out of the toilet?"


"Then neither does Daikon!"

"But he was THIRSTY! BB HELP!"

And thus the day continued in this fashion. Every time I turned around, BB was into something and dragging Daikon into it. When it came time to make the bread for the week, we got a knock at the door, which turned out to be a delivery man, bringing us some mangificent tool that Raditz can't live without, I went to answer it, and sign for it.

I come back, and there is Daikon covered with flour. I mean, the entire flour canister has been dumped on his head. And there is BB grinning. "I find the powder, I put it on Daikon. Powder nice! Daikon look like SNOWMAN now!"

And their is Daikon white from head to toe, with this expression on his face that says, "What did I do to deserve this?" his little eyes peering out from this flour coating.

So, we pause the bread making to clean up the kitchen again and to deflour Daikon. No easy task, because when you mix flour with water, you make paste.

Thankfully, BJ and Piper helped me with dinner tonight, otherwise, I probably would have ended up throwing the phone at the first person who suggested they were hungry and demanding they call for pizza.

The first person to tell me, "You're so lucky you don't have a job! I'd love to stay home all day and just do nothing!" gets a punch in the mouth, I promise you that.
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