What I Did Today

Jul 26, 2009 20:35

Which was nothing really constructive. :)  It's far too hot here today - so, being the cheapskate that I am (I don't want to turn the air conditioner on) I bailed and went to the movies.

Saw "Public Enemies" again, this time to feed the bunnies. I have one that was hungry for a particular scene, and since I have the memory of Sam Beckett (Swiss-Cheese Brain:) I had to go and feed the damn thing. The bunny actually reminds me of my cat when she wants kibble in the morning - she meows and nudges me until I wake up and give it to her - usually at 5 in the morning. :)  But that wasn't a hardship - seeing Rory in period clothes again, looking scrumptious. (That's apparently my new word for Rory - scrumptious. I think it fits.)

And then there's me trying to take notes in a pitch dark theatre. I'll be lucky if I can read them.

After I wallowed in that, I finally went and saw "Star Trek". Which was fun! I honestly didn't expect it to be so much fun - what suprised me was I actually got some of the little jokes scattered through the movie.  (I'm not an Original Trekkie - I think I'm one of the last fans alive who hasn't seen more than four episodes) The space diver wearing red immediately biting it (although I find it strange that all of the cadets wear red - are they ALL considered expendable?) and Bones with his "I'm a Doctor" line and the old Spock with the "I am and shall always be your friend". Great fun - glad I finally saw it on a big screen. It would have lost something on a little one, I think.

And I can TOTALLY see Kirk/McCoy. I loved McCoy in this!  Spock I seriously wanted to slap, however. I don't know why, but he grated on my nerves - I think because he was so know-it-ally (It's a word...) I don't see this turning into a fandom for me (thank God - I think I have enough!) but  I will definitely put it on my DVD wish-list.

Along with Torchwood: COE, because after catching the very end of it I now have to see the whole damn thing. (No, I didn't watch it in bits & pieces this week - knew they'd rerun the whole thing, so I wanted to wait for that & get it in one whole swallow. But Of course I forgot that BBCA would do it today. See? Swiss-Cheese Brain)

The funny part of this was trying to explain Torchwood to Mom - I went over for dinner & to return her car and turned it on the middle of day 3 while I waited for her to finish things. She watches stuff like Lifetime & the Hallmark channel - this went so far over her head it wasn't funny. I basically go interrupted about halfway through about something completely diferent and she made sure we never got back to it. *shrugs* Something I'm used to w/Mom - I've learned to just smile, nod and agree with her.

And on that note *gets out whip* time to tame the bunnies...


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