Any suggestions about my guy situation...?

Apr 19, 2005 02:18

I think that I'm getting closer to what I want. Saturday when I was at Greensburg Laura said that she noticed how Drew's mannerisms where so flirty around me. She said that she thinks he likes me too. I told her that I'm not any good at "reading" people and she said that she is and that she thinks he does. Well that's I have 2 people who say the same thing. Yes I've been spending more time with him in Greensburg than I ever did in MP and it's been all good and all, but when does the part come when he looks at me and says YES???? Well, I did ask him what he was doing on Friday-cause we are going out with Adam and Sarah- and he goes on to tell me that Aaron's going away party is either going to be Friday or Saturday and that it's in Shadyside. Now why I needed to know where it's going to be is beyond me but, whatever, you know. He asked why and I told him and so I told him that if he wasn't busy on Friday to come out to Leo's and he said ok. Now, I don't know what to take it for but if he didn't pick up on the freakin biggest hint in the world then it's not my fault. He hasn't said anything to me about the note, but I haven't said anything to him either. I actually don't know what to say to him. If you ask me, he's either a really big flirt or he is into me. Sigh. I just wish I knew what to do from here. I mean, it's not like we work at the same store anymore so there shouldn't be any problem. I dunno.

So my mom yells at me tonight and tells me that I have to move out. Alright, fine. Jenn and I went to look at places tonight and to price things that we're gonna need. We won't be looking into moving nutil next spring but I'm seriously thinking about it. She drices me nuts. I think she has some I'm ready to go. I don't want to live here my whole life. I need my own space and I'm ready for that.

Punta Cana Countdown: 9 weeks
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