The club wher we selebrate owr ineptichude at speling! 8D All are wellkom!
I prezent tu you all: OWR NASHONAL ANFEM.
(Yuse [
thiss link] or [
thiss link (which is easier to sing to)] tu plae the song.)
O say kan yu sea, by the lite of owr lamps,
Hao so prowdly we phailed at our Engrish and speling?
Wat brawd strokes and fin lynes, thru the dark endles nite,
As we plaid at our rols, wer we frantikly writing?
And the crak that yu sea, all the lulz that yu reed:
The resalt of owr faile and atempt to sukceed.
O how wil owr speling yet kum to improov
Or wil we all remane faile and owr phingers all laim~?
(Thiss typist apologizez in advans for yusing the United States nashonal anfem.
...and fur speling badlee.)