How do I make it more clear?

Jun 05, 2012 09:31

So, far its been an awesome morning. Except for the weather. I no like cold!!! Ah well, it was getting a little *too* warm for a minute there. my morning meetings there is one guy who has an obvious crush, but he is harmless and I'm nice to him, but not encouraging, he is sweet about it, and *then* there is this other guy who is blantantly obvious about wanting me for um, well, sexual purposes. With him I'm short, polite, but short, or I just steer my way around him. Any other ideas about how to discourage him, I mean other than hitting him over the head with a board!?

Clueless here. I usually like harmless flirting, but one, he is not harmless, and two never, ever ever *there* Just not something I want to mix.
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