Jul 12, 2010 21:13
It's been a while (again) since I've posted, but that's OK. I'm still alive and doing well, mostly. This is my last week of work before I go on vacation and get ready for school. Part of me is really glad about this fact, because my job is stressful and I've been really unhappy with it the past several months (incredibly stressful, me taking short lunches at 3:00 PM), but the other part of me is sad, because I've gotten close to my coworkers and I'll miss them. I think I will miss New York more once I'm no longer working and I'm able to enjoy the city a bit more.
I've also been a bit stressed about school starting next month, although I don't really know why. I guess that part of me is worried about the housing situation: I know where I'll be living, more or less, but I'm figuring out the payment part and worried about fitting in in school after a couple years out of the loop. I bought the textbooks for one of my classes, and started reading them today. I'm a bit worried about living in a place so far removed from everywhere, especially after having lived in NYC for almost two years.
We've been having a heat wave for the past week or two, and that's been affecting my sleep, and making me grumpy and irritable.
A couple weeks ago I went to Chicago for the wedding of a close friend of mine, and left feeling ambivalent. I'm really happy for my friend, but the wedding left me feeling a bit lonely and wanting a significant other. It's pointless for me to start dating someone here, with me leaving in a month, but I would like to find someone at school. I've been feeling a bit lonely lately, but haven't wanted to bother others with it, especially since I'm leaving soon.
On a positive note, Spain won the World Cup yesterday. ¡¡Viva España!!
I'm going on vacation starting July 25. I'll be going to Montreal for a few days, then San Francisco for a few days, then back to Minnesota to pack, then back to NYC to pack, then my parents come help me move, then I move to school. I need a vacation. I know that I was just in Seattle a couple months ago, but hey. I need a vacation again.