Jul 16, 2008 11:35
It´s amazing how much things change while simultaneously staying the same. Last night I went to visit my host parents, both of whom were thankfully in residence (they had just returned from the beach hours earlier). I brought them a bottle of local sherry, and we sat and talked for about an hour. From them I learned that my host mom´s dad had died in December, that things were changing in Sevilla, that they had taken three American students at once all spring and that doing so was a bit hectic. I, in return, told them that I had finished my Master´s, that I was looking for a job, that my favorite Spanish world is ´cuño´ because it succinctly expresses a lot of how I feel. I was quite glad to see them; they were such an integral part of my life in Sevilla that to not see them would have diminished my return to the city. Love, you guys, comes in many forms. I´m glad that they remembered me! We´re leaving Sevilla on a train to Barcelona in about ten hours, and I don´t know when I´ll next be in Sevilla... I might not be back at all. Who knows? What will happen then?
I think that my thoughts have been a bit jumbled these past few weeks, and being in Sevilla has both stilled and intensified that. It no longer feels like home the way it once did, but rather like a really good friend that I haven´t seen in a while and has changed. It doesn´t hurt like I anticipated it would, but it´s still disconcerting enough for me to anticipate a quiet couple of days.
Mostly, though, this made me realize how much Sevilla made me need my personal time. Before I studied abroad, I could spend all day with friends barring the nightly jog, and I was content to not need much time to myself. I spent so much time by myself in Sevilla that when I returned to the States, I really wanted more solitary time, even though I wasn´t any less lonely.
growing up,