
Ronon vid redone

Oct 14, 2010 20:19

Hey guys, I did a Ronon video a while back on crappy, crappy Windows Movie Maker and I was so unsatisfied with the way I edited it (or failed to) and the crappy quality I knew I would one day redo it. I've found a editor that is not that price prohibitive, and had a trial available so I actually did this one for free but I do think I will buy it.


I love, it lets me upload a 1gb file without loosing the quality.

It came out really well in fullscreen mode for me, so I suggest that. I love you Ronon Dex.

New vid, full size, ~ 1GB: coming soon
New vid, smaller, 57mb: right-click, save as.
Old vid, 23mb: right-click, save as.

Not mine, don't sue, don't own. Just love. Episode Sateda of Stargate Atlantis, song from Requiem from a Dream.

I have to admit I miss the bit with Sheppard yelling at Caldwell, but I do think it's much more powerful as it is now, with ONLY Ronon.


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