
I love it when I get confirmed

Oct 14, 2010 18:52

Okay so it's not complete confirmation, but I was watching the lovely Torri Higginson on youtube at a con that I think happened this past July? Anyway, she was asked a question at the 4 minute mark (I enjoyed the whole thing but if you want to skip the stuff I'm talking about happens at 4:09) about what it was like to work with David and Joe at the same time since they're so funny together, and she kind of started to talk about the characters and then realized he meant as actors so she sidetracked, but I was more interested in her views on Elizabeth and McKay, which seem to run along mine... she says they have a "deep, deep love and respect" and I said "LOVE SEE LOVE LOVE LOVE! I KNEW IT!" Because I've always been incredibly charmed by how Rodney is towards Elizabeth, by the fact that Rodney doesn't give respect arbitrarily, he's not nice, or polite, or apologetic to anyone because he "should be", he's only apologetic or polite or careful in the way he speaks to very, very few people. In fact, I'm pretty sure, only to Elizabeth and Teyla.

Plus in Tao of Rodney Elizabeth is the one that says we love you and afterwards there's that lovely fun moment of "and you love me" and "I never said" and "you so did!" and "I always knew we shared something" or whatever it was he says, and I think they're maybe not IN love with one another (though I do think Rodney is in love with Elizabeth, but not in a stalkery Sam Carter way, in a healthy "she's my saving grace" [pretty sure it's her that got him out of Russian hell] kind of way), but only a bad day and an opportune moment away from being in love, or at least from having sex and then full of regret and sadness and fear (which is fun too, if you're me) and that is just okey-dokey with ME because it can end so many ways:

1. They actually start a relationship, which may actually work because I think Elizabeth is one of the few few people who GETS Rodney and still LIKES him (his team, her, and towards the latter bit Keller, because I could take this time to go on and on about how I hated him with Katie because he wasn't HIM with Katie and she didn't like him despite him being him she liked him because he WASN'T him, whereas Keller at least liked him despite of himself if not liked him BECAUSE he is the way he is) and I still view it like I say it in my one Elizabeth/Rodney story Don't Forget to Breathe:

Loves him like she loves language, the beauty and complexity, the mystery, the romance. Loves him in ways that make her have to smile just at the thought of him, because Rodney McKay has always made her think of Latin. Latin, important and vital and the base of nearly every language she's ever learned, and she's always laughed at the people that say that Latin is dead. Because it's not dead, it'll always be there, completely and utterly irreplaceable, just like Rodney is.

Rodney is like Latin because he's so complex and muddled and foreign, but at the same time simple. To her. To her, Rodney is simple. Because as complicated as he is, he's always the same. He's always just Rodney. You just have to learn how to speak in his language.

2. They have sex, and it's fine, really, it's good, except the next day Rodney can't look at Elizabeth and Elizabeth is all "this should never have happened, Rodney" and "It can't happen again" and John's all "whats up with you and" and he can read in Rodney's eyes that something happened and he gets mad at Rodney because of course he assumes Rodney did something and Elizabeth has to step in and explain to John that they had sex mutually and it wasn't anything Rodney did wrong, it was just wrong for THEM, and then John can be, I don't know, jealous or just sad for Rodney, which I think would be really sweet and GOD I need to write THAT story.

3. Which can lead to them coming back together, or

4. Can lead to Rodney and John, because I'm a McShepper at heart no matter how much I love Rodney/Weir.

Ok, I'm pretty sure you'll be seeing a Rodney/Weir story in the next day or so. LMFAO. Which is cool because in my "suggest story ideas to me" post a few days ago omglawdork mentioned Rodney/Elizabeth, so...


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