You had me at the repetition of attempted, and then you added the repetition of to make. Ben Stiller, I love you. I think Ben Stiller might have one that's even geniusier than Zoolander. And yes, I know that's not a word... obviously it's geniuser! (ok seriously, i'm not retarded, I was just accessing my inner Zoolander) (omg if i start writing zoolander fic, somebody shoot me, okay? because OH MY GOD)
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Plus I love Steve Coogan: "Let me fuckin' finish!" See him with Alfred Molina in Coffee & Cigarettes: It's up on youtube
here... that's a weird movie that's a compilation of shorts all based on two or more people having coffee and, ya know, cigarettes, and that's the best bit EVER. Well, that and Tom Waits and Iggy Pop.
I seriously cannot wait until Tropic Thunder is released. I am going OPENING NIGHT. And I haven't felt that way since.... well God, Kill Bill, really? LMFAO. Apparently I haven't been this excited about a preview in a freaking LONG time.
I need a Tropic Thunder icon. And it needs to encompass my love of both Stiller and RDJ.
How about RDJ's character with the words "Don't you think there's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?" on it? A MODEL, IDIOT!