Which is a lie, because it's not random, but it IS pointless. Except to say that what I love about Denis Leary's comedy is that it's so real and true. And I have noth ing much else to say but I feel like making a post, and
michellek's topic (or, one of them) for my "top 5" meme thing was my top five favorite Leary quotes, and this is probably my favorite.Happiness comes in small doses. It's a cigarette butt or a chocolate chip cookie or a 5 second orgasm. You come, you smoke the butt, you eat the cookie, you go to sleep, wake up, and go back to fucking work the next morning. That's it!
So ya know. When you're feeling all self-pitying, and whiny, and woe is me? Remember this: Shut the fuck up. Next?! Or ya know. Go mow the lawn. Cheapest therapy ever.
(all the comedic quotes contained within this post are from
No Cure For Cancer)
ETA: While staring at the Amazon profile for No Cure I saw
this link, and I do believe I know wh at I'm going to tell my parents I want for my birthday. Because I've only seen the show of Lock N Load once (though I've heard it a shitload of times on cd), thanks to
spookyville, and omg, I need to OWN THIS DVD!