Before I go to bed (which I was going to do an hour ago, lol) I thought I'd post this. See, I'm a nerd. Those of you who know me probably know that about me. I'm proud of my nerddom. I bask in my dorkness. It's very fun, once you embrace it. But anyway. The thing is, I'm a positively anally retentive nerd when it comes to html, websites, and lj layouts. I love that shit. Love It. Taught myself, through trial and error, examining other people's codes, and tutorials.
And what I noticed is that generally? Tutorials SUCK as far as telling you how to do something in an easy to understand way. THAT'S why so few understand it. Not because they can't comprehend it, but because the tutorials are incomprehensible! So, I made a few, because as you know, I change my layout a lot. Several people have thought to ask me questions. And, since I bask in my dorkdom, I happily answered. And then, I made tutorials. I love to help, really. Just ask
foxxcub and
But, people in general don't like to bother people. They don't like to pop on and go "hey... do this for me... help me out!" I don't blame you, some people are twats about that. But I like this stuff, nerdly is fun. So I'm gonna give you the links to all of my tutorials, and if you have any thing you'd like me to tutorialize (because I swear? coding my tutorials is half the fun, THAT'S how nerdly I am) or questions you'd like to ask that those tutorials didn't answer? Ask away!
My Tutorials:
Basic Guide to HTMLGuide to LJ Specific CodesHow To Install a MoodthemeHow to Write an Image Map by HandStyle 1: Headers & Navigational LinksStyle 2: Tweaking OpalStyle 2: Headers, and Component Kay. I hope at least one person has a suggestion for a tutorial. I love making that shit. LOL. (As far as icon tutorials, not so much, but I could direct you to a few wonderful ones!) Nighty night for now!